
loathsome adj.令人討厭的;可厭的;叫人惡心的。adv.-ly ...


Lovely girls ; bright women , brown - haired , black - haired , and grey ; youths ; stalwart men and old ; gentle born and peasant born ; all red wine for la guillotine , all daily brought into light from the dark cellars of the loathsome prisons , and carried to her through the street to slake her devouring thirst 可愛的姑娘,漂亮的婦女棕色頭發的,黑色頭發的,花白頭發的年輕的人,壯實的人,衰老的人貴族出身的,農民出身的,都是斷頭臺小姐的一杯杯紅色的美酒,都是每天從監獄可憎的黑暗地窖里取出來到陽光下通過街道給小姐送去消解她的饞渴的美酒。

Lovely girls ; bright women , brown - haired , black - haired , an ` d grey ; youths ; stalwart men an ` d old ; gentle bo ` rn an ` d peasant bo ` rn ; all red wine fo ` r la guillotine , all daily brought into light from the dark cellars of the loathsome prisons , an ` d carried to her through the street to slake her devouring thirst 可愛的姑娘,漂亮的婦女;棕色頭發的,黑色頭發的,花白頭發的;年輕的人,壯實的人,衰老的人;貴族出身的,農民出身的,都是斷頭臺小姐的一杯杯紅色的美酒,都是每天從監獄可憎的黑暗地窖里取出、來到陽光下、通過街道給小姐送去消解她的饞渴的美酒。

For a man such as vladimir putin , who calls the collapse of the loathsome soviet union the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century , using russia ' s energy riches to pamper or punish its former vassals according to whim must seem like a natural thing to do 像弗拉基米爾?普京這種把令人憎惡的蘇聯的解體稱作是20世紀的最大地緣政治災難的人在按照自己變幻莫測的想法來運用俄羅斯的能源財富去操縱和懲罰它過往的從屬國家的時候,會把事情做得非常自然。

Only she began to be afraid of the ghastly white tombstones , that peculiar loathsome whiteness of carrara marble , detestable as false teeth , which stuck up on the hillside , under tevershall church , and which she saw with such grim painfulness from the park 只是那達娃斯哈教堂下的小山旁直立著的那些不祥的白色墓石,開始使她懼怕了。這些墓石有一種奇特的慘白的顏色,象加拿拉的大理石一樣,象假牙一樣的可憎,她可發從園中清楚地望見。

So many loathsome animals inhabited the prison , that their noise did not , in general , awake him ; but whether abstinence had quickened his faculties , or whether the noise was really louder than usual , edmond raised his head and listened 可是現在,不知是因為絕食使他的感官更靈敏了呢,還是因為那聲音的確比平常的響,也許是因為在那彌留之際,一切都有了新的意義,總之愛德蒙抬起頭來傾聽了一會兒。

Andrei shevchenko - having never seen a snake before walks up and chats amiably to snake for some minute * * * efore returning to the group only to find out that the loathsome creature he just spoke to was not in fact silvio berlusconi 舍普琴科以前從未見過蛇,走上前去親切的與蛇攀談了幾分鐘,然后回到隊中,這才發現剛剛他與之閑談的可怕動物原來不是貝盧斯科尼。

But even a whole month , until it come out at your nostrils , and it be loathsome unto you : because that ye have despised the lord which is among you , and have wept before him , saying , why came we forth out of egypt 20要吃一個整月,甚至肉從你們鼻孔里噴出來,使你們厭惡了,因為你們厭棄住在你們中間的耶和華,在他面前哭號說,我們為何出了埃及呢。

But a whole month , until it comes out from your nostrils , and becomes loathsome to you , because you have rejected jehovah who is among you , and have wept before him , saying , why did we ever come out of egypt 20乃是要吃整個月,直到肉從你們鼻孔里噴出來,使你們厭惡了,因為你們棄絕那在你們中間的耶和華,在?面前哭號說,我們為何出了埃及呢?

Two soldiers were accordingly sent for , and the inspector descended a stairway , so foul , so humid , so dark , as to be loathsome to sight , smell , and respiration 于是便找來了兩個兵,巡查員他們順著一條污臭,潮濕,黑暗的樓梯往下走,僅走過這些地方,就已使眼睛,鼻子和呼吸感到很難受了。

So the first angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth ; and it became a loathsome and malignant sore on the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his image 啟16 : 2第一位天使便去、把碗倒在地上、就有惡而且毒的瘡、生在那些有獸印記、拜獸像的人身上。

I know one thing , that its all loathsome , loathsome , loathsome , said prince andrey , and he went into the house where the commander - in - chief was stopping “有一點我是了解的:什么都令人厭惡,令人厭惡,令人厭惡! ”安德烈公爵說完這句話,就到總司令駐扎的住宅去了。

I could be wholesome , i could be loathsome , i guess i ' m a little bit shy . why don ' t you like me ? why don ' t you like me without making me try 我可以有益健康,我可以令人討厭,我想我有一點害羞。你為什么不喜歡我?你為什么不讓我嘗試一下就不喜歡我呢?

What i think , natasha suddenly almost screamed , turning a furious face on petya , what i think is , that its so vile , so loathsome i dont know “我認為, ”突然,娜塔莎幾乎叫了起來,把憤怒的面孔朝著彼佳, “我認為,真可恥,真可惡,真我不知道了。

The loathsome deer tick , now known as the black - legged tick , is defined more by the disease it spreads than by its own characteristics 小知識:萊姆病是因為康涅狄格州的一座城鎮而得名, 1975年科學家發現那里突然爆發了一場由鹿虱傳播的關節疾病。

Its loathsome , vile , inhuman to take advantage of feebleness she could not go on . go out of my room , she cried , and broke into sobs “這真卑鄙,真下流,慘無人道地利用軟弱, ”她沒有把話說完, “您從我房里走開。 ”

And thats the highest degree of human wisdom . everything within himself and around him struck him as confused , meaningless , and loathsome 在他看來,他自己身上和他周圍的一切都是紊亂的毫無意義的令人厭惡的。

They all felt that they were pitiful and loathsome creatures , who had done a great wrong , for which they had now to pay the penalty 他們偽裝得很關心軍隊,其實每個人心里都只有自己,只想能逃出一條命來。

If it is a government bureaucracy or a powerful monopolist , thats a loathsome but sustainable choice 如果是一家政府機構,或一個勢力強大的壟斷機構,這倒是個令人討厭、但可以持續下去的選擇。

He talked and laughed in a loathsome way , and that ' s the reason why he left a terrible impression on me (他說話和笑的方式都很令人討厭,這就是為什麼他留給我一個很糟的印象。 )