
loathe vt.,vi.討厭,厭惡;〔口語〕不歡喜。 loathe...


I loathe you . - i loathed you first 我討厭你-我先討厭你的

- i loathe you . - i loathed you first -我討厭你-我先討厭你的

Therefore , above all things else , he loathed his miserable self 因此,他厭惡不幸的自我尤勝其它!

And he himself loathed the mention of bowels of compassion 而他自己是討厭人提起什么側憫心腸的。

A feeling of repugnance or loathing 厭惡,憎惡厭惡或憎惡的情感

We loathe each other , yet we seem doom constantly to meet 我們相互厭惡,但似乎偏偏冤家常碰頭。

Vermin roamed the halls now extremely loathe to leave 寄生蟲在大廳中愜意的閑逛,不肯離開。

You loathe the smell of greasy food when you are seasick 當你暈船時,你會厭惡油膩的氣味。

I value copyright . i loathe its abuse 我重視版權,我憎惡版權被濫用。

Far away from the parents you resent and the town you loathe 你憎恨的父母和你討厭的城鎮

I loathe having to go to these conferences 我最討厭的是得參加這些會議

I thought you were safe . he loathed you 我原以為你是安全的,他不喜歡你

My loathing wrestles with the slow twilights 我的憎惡與緩慢的暮色搏斗。

She loathed paris ; she wouldn t set foot there yet 她厭惡巴黎,她不會這么早就回去的。

My loathing wrestles with the slow twilights 我的恨意與緩慢的黃昏爭著。

You know how i loathe typing and shorthand 你知道我多么討厭打字和速記。

I loathe cats . they ' re trecherous like people 我討厭貓.它們跟人一樣陰險

She has always loathed her nickname of “ shorty . 她總是憎惡她的?稱“矮子“ 。

Loathe your flames . . they reek of hope 對草剃京:我憎惡你那充滿希望的火焰。