
loath adj.厭惡,討厭,不愿 (to do; that)。 ...


S . @ ne offer d to give more he would make it up ; he offer d me also 60 pieces of eight more for my boy xury , which i was loath to take , not that i was not willing to let the captain have him , but i was very loath to sell poor boy s liberty , who had assisted me so faithfully procuring my own 他也看到,我的小艇很不錯。他對我說,他想把小艇買下來,放在大船上使用,并要我開個價。我對他說,他對我這么慷慨大度,我實在不好意思開價,并告訴他,他愿出多少錢都可以。

The fear of being swallow d up alive , made me that i never slept in quiet , and yet the apprehensions of lying broad without any fence was almost equal to it ; but still when i look d about and saw how every thing was put in order , how pleasantly conceal d i was , and how safe from danger , it made me very loath to remove 我唯恐被活埋,整夜不得安睡。但想到睡在外面,四周毫無遮擋,心里又同樣害怕。而當我環顧四周,看到一切應用物品都安置得井井有條,自己的住地又隱蔽又安全,又極不愿意搬家了。

He said very modestly , that he was loath to kill them , if he could help it , but that those two were incorrigible villains , and had been the authors of all the mutiny in the ship , and if they escaped , we should be undone still ; for they would go on board , and bring the whole ship s company , and destroy us all 他們回到船上,就會發動全體船員反叛,把我們通通殺掉! “那好吧, “我說, “我的建議也是出于不得已,因為這是救我們自己的唯一的辦法。 “然而,我看他還是很不愿意殺人流血,所以便對他說,這事不妨由他們自己去辦,怎樣干方便就怎樣干吧。

But the tide ( which stays for no man ) calling them away , that were thus loath to depart , their reverend pastor , falling down on his knees , and they all with him , with watery cheeks commended them with the most fervent prayers unto the lord and his blessing ; and then with mutual embraces and many tears they took their leaves one of another , which proved to be the last leave to many of them 但是潮水(它們不等人)要他們離開,人們不愿意離開,他們的牧師,雙膝跪下,他們全都跟他一起,臉頰上淚水漣漣,用最熱忱的禱告贊美上帝和他的祝福;然后相互擁抱,流下許多淚水,一個接一個地告別,他們中的許多人這是最后一次道別了。

There have also been those who have derived much benefit from market inefficiency and are loath to see efforts aimed at making markets work better . just as in the case of allowing a financial market to assume a life of its own , the consequence of allowing vested interests to dictate the development of financial markets could again be weak markets that are prone to crisis and financial repression 另有一些情況,就是某些人正好利用市場效率不足的缺點從中取利,因此并不愿致力改善市場運作,讓既得利益者主宰市場的發展,結果就像市場擁有自己的生命一樣,到頭來只會使市場積弱,一旦遇上金融危機或沖擊便告崩潰。

Mourinho is loath to rush back his defensive lynchpin , despite the fact in his absence chelsea ' s backline has looked distinctly brittle , and short of numbers , as michael essien and paulo ferreira formed a makeshift partnership in wednesday ' s carling cup semi - final at wycombe 穆里尼奧反對讓他的后防領袖提前復出,盡管目前的事實是切爾西的后防線看上去形同虛設,人員短缺,所以埃辛和費雷拉在周三對韋康比的聯賽杯半決賽中出任臨時中衛。

I was something impatient , as i have observ d , to have the use of my boat ; though very loath to run any more hazards ; and therefore sometimes i sat contriving ways to get her about the island , and at other times i sat my self down contented enough without her 我曾經說過,我非常希望能使用那只小船,但又不想再次冒險。因此,有時我會坐著苦思冥想,竭力設法把船弄到小島的這邊來有時我又會安下心來,覺得不要它也行。

Rostov , in his ensigns uniform , rode up to the steps , with a jerk to his horse , swung his leg over with a supple , youthful action , stood a moment in the stirrup as though loath to part from the horse , at last sprang down and called the orderly 羅斯托夫身穿一套士官生制服,正催馬跑到臺階前面,用那年輕人的靈活的姿勢縮回一條腿,在馬鐙上站了片刻,好像他不想離開坐騎似的,后來他一躍跳下馬來,向馬弁喊了一聲。

Several times pierre had prepared himself to speak , but on one hand prince vassily would not let him , and on the other hand pierre himself was loath to begin to speak in the tone of resolute refusal and denial , in which he was firmly resolved to answer his father - in - law 皮埃爾曾有幾次準備說話,但是,一方面,瓦西里公爵不準他開口,另一方面,皮埃爾本人害怕用那種堅決拒絕和不同意的口吻果斷地回答他的丈人。

The other terror that scares us from self - trust is our consistency ; a reverence for our past act or word , because the eyes of others have no other data for computing our orbit than our past acts , and we are loath to disappoint them 另一個使我們不敢自信的恐懼是我們的隨波逐流,一種我們對自己過去的所作所為的崇敬之情,因為在別人眼里能夠評判我們行為的依據只有我們過去所做的事,我們又不愿意使他們失望。

Prince bagration looked at tushin and , apparently loath to express his disbelief in bolkonskys off - handed judgment , yet unable to put complete faith in it , he bent his head and said to tushin that he could go . prince andrey walked out after him 巴格拉季翁公爵向圖申瞥了一眼,他顯然不想對博爾孔斯基的尖刻的意見持不信任的態度,同時他覺得自己不能完全相信他的話,他低下頭來對圖申說,他可以走了。

The england head coach will be loath to go into his first competitive fixtures without one of his first - choice centre - halves , but he would be equally reluctant to get embroiled in a disagreement with ferguson so soon after replacing sven - goran eriksson 英格蘭經理將會在沒有他的第一選擇的中后衛的情況下出戰第一場正式比賽,但是他也會對是否為在替代了愛立克森之后就和福格森爵士發生不和而猶豫。

I bowed and returned the pledge ; beginning to perceive that it would be foolish to sit sulking for the misbehaviour of a pack of curs : besides , i felt loath to yield the fellow further amusement at my expense ; since the humour took that turn 我鞠躬,也回敬了他我開始覺得為了一群狗的失禮而坐在那兒生氣,可有點傻。此外,我也討厭讓這個家伙再取笑我,因為他的興致已經轉到取樂上來了。

Apparently chinese men in particular tend to bristle at the thought of raising children not their own . many women are loath to see someone else ' s children drawing their husband ' s affection away from their own offspring 看來,一想到要撫養的孩子不是自己的,中國男人往往猶為生氣;很多中國女人則不愿意看到別人的孩子把丈夫的愛從自己的孩子身上移走。

Chelsea ' s portuguese tactician was also loath to get carried away with his side having gone top of group a , courtesy of werder bremen and barcelona ' s stalemate in germany 得益于云達不萊梅和巴塞羅那在德國戰成平局,切爾西登上了a組的積分榜首,但是這位葡萄牙戰略家對此反應的十分冷靜。

As li prepares for a nationwide tour with the other finalists , her handlers are loath to discuss the political dimensions of the program or of li ' s triumph 當李宇春準備和其他“超級女聲”展開全國巡演的時候,她的經紀人并不愿意在政治層面上談論這檔電視節目和李宇春的勝出。

Triumph , my queen ! cyrus was loath to give up either the ring or his life , but i have taken both . prepare the troops . we leave for the hall of heroes 勝利了,我的女皇!塞勒斯很不情愿的答應放棄戒指或他的生命,但我兩樣都取回來了。讓軍隊做好準備,我們現在就去英雄祠!

Hans robben was , though , also keen to reiterate that his son was not in any way unsettled at chelsea , who he believes would be loath to sanction his departure in any case 盡管如此,漢斯也多次表示他的兒子在切爾西很安心,他也相信不管怎樣切爾西也不會讓羅本離開的。

Fowler admits he is desperate to feature in every game , but loving life back on merseyside , he is loath to complain about the situation he finds himself in 福勒承認他極度渴望在每場比賽中都出場,不過他依然熱愛在默西塞德郡的生活,也不愿對現在自己處于的位置進行抱怨