
loaner n.1.出借者,租出者。2.借用物〔汽車、無線電、打字機...


As the project loan was long term and subject to kinds of risks , it was safe for the loaner to note the uncertainties , and we suggested the loaner to take such methods as noting whther the investor can satisfy the foreign govenunent loan condition and extend the project ' s goods source from duty free goods to both duty free and duty paid goods , the investor ' s capacity to nm the harbo , the nearby wr ' s competition for the source of goods , and making sure the cash flow of the harbor will be used to pay the loan , and raising a mortgag on the project 由于貸款期限長不確定因素多,為了有效控制風險,建議貸款人在做出貸款承諾前,要求投資方明確項目建設方案,提供未來碼頭經營方案或設想,并爭取將本項目的貨源范圍由保稅貨物擴大到非保稅貨物;此外貸款人碼頭項目貸款的調查報告可采取必要措施確保碼頭經營收入專項用于償還貸款,并考慮以碼頭在建工程設定抵押。

In the financing process , all kinds of things concerned with the project are to be considered by the loaner , which includes : developing trend , economic power , repayment ability , law , insurance and government ' s support etc . but compared with direct financing , item financing has its great advantages in economic profit brought by independent operation ( independent principal , independent capital flow ) and investor ' s stronger power to control the capital flow and limited right of recourse , it will play a more and more important role in china ' s economic construction , especially for its infrastructure 在融資過程中,所有涉及項目發展的方方面面都要納入融資者的考慮范圍,包括:發展勢頭、經濟實力、還本付息、投資回報、法律、保險、政府支持等。但與直接融資相比,項目融資由于在可獨立運作產生經濟效益(獨立法人,獨立現金流) 、投資者有更大權力控制資金流向和有限追索等方面存在較大優勢,其在中國經濟建設,特別是基礎產業建設中發揮的作用會越來越大。

In ancient roman “ creditor “ first means “ the one who lends money to the others “ , is the loaner of loan for consumption , and then “ point those to accept the others to implement the compulsory person according to various reason “ , is its extending meaning 古中國是一個存在著大量的契約原件,但是缺少成文民法規范的國家;古羅馬是一個有著成熟、縝密的民事法律規范,但是沒有遺留下來足夠多契約原件的國家。

The stress of cash flow may let the banks pay higher attention to and even get involved in enterprise management in the capacity of loaners , thereby urging state - owned enterprises to improve management 對現金流量的關注,可以使銀行以債權人的身份,更多地關注甚至介入企業的管理,進而促使國有企業改善經營管理。

Commercial bank is the special corporation that manages currencies . it is the largest loaner and debtor as the agency of credit and payment and the organization that creates credit tools 商業銀行是經營貨幣的特殊企業,作為信用中介、支付中介和不斷創造信用工具的機構,它既是最大的債權人又是最大的債務人。

By analysis of the risks possibly faced by the loaner in the ship mortgage financing of the single - vessel company , new methods are designed to reduce such risks 作者通過對單船子公司以所有船舶抵押融資模式中貸款人可能面臨的風險的分析,設計了一些貸款人可采取的降低風險的措施。

It ' s not realistic to build your wardrobe based on what famous people wear for oscar night , since their clothes and shoes are likely loaners , 按照那些明星在奧斯卡之夜的著裝來置辦服裝不太現實,因為他們的衣服和鞋子可能是借來的。

Providing loaner unit of infusion pump , physiologic monitor , pulse oximeter etc for urgent use by hospitals 提供借用的輸注器、生理監察器及脈搏血氧計,以供醫院應急之用;

Profound consideration for loaner ' s functions and powers in bankruptcy procedures 關于破產程序中債權人會議職權的反思與完善

Problems and suggestions on the credit standing evaluasion of loaner enterprises 貸款企業資信評級存在的問題及幾點建議

An exploration of some prolbems about the loaners ' replacing right 債權人代位權若干問題探討