
loanee n.借入者,債務人。


Through analyzing the credit risk in private business sector running by two commercial banks in daqing , we can find that the operation risk is higher than the credit risk of loanee , and it can enlarge credit risk to a great degree 針對此情況,本文用案例分析指出個人信貸業務產生的風險不僅僅是借款人的信用問題,更主要的是商業銀行的內部因素導致的,即操作風險。健全的內部控制機制和良好的公司治理結構可以有效的控制操作風險的發生。

Loaner agrees to loan to the loanee and the loanee agrees to loan from loaner , the equipment ( the “ equipment ” ) described in this agreement for the entire term of loan as stipulated herein , subject to the terms and conditions of this agreement 根據合同條款所述,出租人同意在租用期限內向承租人出租租用物件,承租人也同意對本租用物件以接受。

During the on - loan period , the loanee shall inform the loaner in case that the equipment can not work normally , the loaner promise to service to door , within 6 hours to repair the equipment in its own cost & expense 租用期間,如果機器發生故障,乙方應馬上電話告知甲方,甲方在6個工作小時內到達并免費為乙方維修及更換零件。

As foster looks to seal an unlikely ascension to the top flight , he admits that fellow united loanee chris eagles will be an important weapon in sunday ' s clash 福斯特希望球隊能夠爆冷取得附加賽的勝利,他承認曼聯的租借隊友伊戈爾斯是周日比賽的重要武器。

The american made several decent saves , including a late stop from fellow united loanee giuseppe rossi , an 81st - minute substitute for the magpies 美國人做出了幾次精彩撲救,包括阻止了同樣來自曼聯的羅西的射門,他81分鐘替補出場。

A month time before the expire , this agreement shall be renewed if the loaner and loanee have not any problem for service continue 期滿前壹個月雙方應相互知照,是否繼續延長協議并重新簽訂新協議。