
loan n.1.出借,借出,貸。2.借出物;資金;公債,貸款。3...

loan collection

Mexico needed $1 billion to avoid defaulting on loans to new york banks. 墨西哥需要十億美元以免拖欠一些紐約銀行的貸款。

We would repay all of our government backed loans by the end of the year . 到年底,我們就可以還清由政府保證的全部貸款。

The main file in a charging system is the loans or transactions file . 出借系統的主要資料檔是借書資料檔或匯集文檔。

Government loans have been the salvation of several shaky business companies . 政府的貸款救活了幾家瀕臨倒閉的公司。

His bank had sued to the law-court to recover its loan of $650,000. 他的銀行已向法院起訴,要收回那65萬美元的貸款。

Loan guarantees to chrysler would set a dangerous precedent . 向克萊斯勒汽車公司提供貸款保證會樹立一個危險的先例。

At the time negotiation, the local bank deducts the loan and the interest . 議付時,當地銀行扣除先前的貸款和利息。

“pricing“ means mainly “good“ loan rates and liberal loan policies . “價格”主要指優惠貸款利率和寬松的貸款政策。

All the loans would be tied up for between five and ten years in the courts . 全部貸款將在法院里凍結五年到十年。

I refer to a call loan of $ 10, 000 made to thomas merwin . 我指的是那筆借給托馬斯默溫的一萬美元的活期貸款。

He said he had applied for fresh loan to save them from bankruptcy . 他說,為了免于破產,他已經再借了一筆債。

Most of these loans were paid in kind at very high rates of interest . 貸款大多數都要以極高的利息用實物償還。

It wasn't the loans that saved us, although we needed them badly . 使我們得救的不是貸款,雖然我們急需貸款。

We couldn't get the loans all at once, but only in installment . 我們不能一次提取全部貸款,而必須分期提取。

It will deplete its cash balance by repaying last week's loan . 它會因償付它上周的借款而耗盡它的現金余額。

The subscriber to a government loan has got higher interest than savings . 公債認購者獲得高于儲蓄的利息。

If the loan money was regained, he might become a hero . 如果能把貸款收回,他說不定還能成為一名英雄呢。

Not surprisingly, he was driven repeatedly to raise fresh loans . 不足為奇的是,他被迫不斷地舉借新債。

Commercial banks have been a major source of loans to agriculture . 商業銀行曾是對農業的主要貸款來源。