
loamy adj.(-ier; -iest) 肥土似的,含肥土的。


In laboratory study , the experiments of nh / ? transport and transformation has been conducted with columns packed with homogeneous sandy loamy under saturated and unsaturated conditions 本文研究以室內外試驗為基礎,以數值模擬為手段,開展相應的研究工作。

In time she reached the edge of the vast escarpment below which stretched the loamy vale of blackmoor , now lying misty and still in the dawn 不久,她走到了那片寬大的斜坡邊緣,斜坡下面就是黑荒原谷的大片沃土,現在還隱匿在霧靄里,沉睡在黎明中。

From textural point of view , about 30 % soils are clayey , 35 % loamy and 10 % sandy while the remaining have variable texture 從質地上看,約30 %的土壤是粘土, 35 %是壤土, 10 %是砂土,其余土壤質地龐雜。

The “ shangri - la of shanghai “ , as it claims to be , has a pleasant climate , loamy land and sufficient water 由于島上氣候宜人,水土豐沃,還被稱作“上海的香格里拉” 。

Effect of base to dressing ratio of nitrogen fertilizer on wheat yield and quality in light - loamy chao soil 輕壤質潮土氮肥基追比對小麥產量與品質的影響

The sheep were 18 ) contentedly 19 ) grazing and aaron took a deep breath of the 20 ) loamy scented air 陽光零落地撒在天際,暮色爬上了山丘。

This indicates that the soil under observation was clayey or loamy . 這說明所研究的土壤屬亞粘土或壚坶土。