
loam n.1.肥土,沃土;壤土。2.(制磚等的)黏砂土。vt....


In the process of trick source infiltration , the increased soil water content is a constant value 0 . 34 for clay loam soil . the distribution pattern of water content in horizontal is similarly with vertical level . the more of the distance away axis , the less of the soil water content , and the decrease is most notable near the wetting front 土壤濕潤體內含水率在水平方向上的分布,表現為在同一水平剖面上隨著與對稱軸之間距離的增加,含水率不斷減小,減小的幅度在接近濕潤鋒處最為明顯;土壤濕潤體內含水率在垂直方向上的分布,亦表現為在同一豎直剖面上隨著深度的增加,含水率不斷減小,減小的幅度在接近濕潤鋒處最為明顯。

Some area such as darning , handan city , yongnian and shexian is marginally suitable , suff value is between 0 . 4 and 0 . 8 . unsuitable areas mainly distributes on hills , mountains and valleys , suff value is between 0 . 2 and 0 . 4 . moreover , for sheixan , handan city and darning , soil water condition during maize growth period was studied by crop model ps 123 , the results show : soil water condition in handan city is sufficient for the whole maize growth period ; in shexian , soil water is not sufficient for the whole maize growth period except heavy loam soil ; in damiag , soil water is not sufficient for maize growth since silking stage 結果表明,邯鄲19 . 7的土地面積由于具有潛在侵蝕危險而不適宜耕作, 2 . 5的土地面積由于土壤水分條件太差而不適宜耕作, 9 . 5的土地面積由于水分條件或養分條件不太理想而邊際適宜農業開墾, 68 . 3的土地面積適宜和非常適宜農業耕作,其中適宜農業開墾的地區已經全部種植作物而且在丘陵和山區許多不適宜開墾的地區也被開發利用,表明邯鄲地區已沒有可在開墾的后備土地。

[ objective ] the number of 3 rhizosphere microorganisms ( bacteria , fungi , actinomycete ) and 5 enzyme ( catalase , protease , urease , phosphatase , invertase ) activities were studied during the whole life of corn plant in sandy loam , loam and clay soil textures . [ method ] using yedan22 , the number of 3 rhizosphere microorganisms and 5 enzyme activities with different textural soils were investigated in a pond 摘要目的明確不同質地土壤(砂壤、中壤、重壤)玉米生育期間根際微生物(細菌、放線菌、真菌)數量與酶(脲酶、蛋白酶、磷酸酶、轉化酶、過氧化氫酶)活性的變化。

The number of 3 rhizosphere microorganisms ( bacteria , fungi , actinomycete ) and 5 enzyme ( catalase , protease , urease , phosphatase , invertase ) activities were studied during the whole life of corn plant in sandy loam , loam and clay soil textures . [ method ] using yedan22 , the number of 3 rhizosphere microorganisms and 5 enzyme activities with different textural soils were investigated in a pond 摘要目的明確不同質地土壤(砂壤、中壤、重壤)玉米生育期間根際微生物(細菌、放線菌、真菌)數量與酶(脲酶、蛋白酶、磷酸酶、轉化酶、過氧化氫酶)活性的變化。

The shovelfuls of loam , black as et , brought there by the river when it was as wide as the whole valley , were an essence of soils , pounded champaigns of the past , steeped , refined , and subtilized to extraordinary richness , out of which came all the fertility of the mead , and of the cattle grazing there 一鏟一鏟的黑土,像墨玉一樣漆黑,是在河流還同山谷一樣寬闊時被沖到這兒的,它們是土壤的精華,是過去被打碎的原野經過浸泡提煉,才變得特別肥沃,從這種土壤里又長出豐茂的牧草,喂養那兒的牛群。

The starch accumulating quantity of all the tested cultivars showed irregular parabola types in difference soils ; the strong gluten cultivar did not reach a notable level in different soils , both middle gluten cultivar and weak gluten cultivar gave the largest in the loam soil based on the starch accumulating quantity 不同土壤質地強筋品種淀粉積累呈不規則拋物線趨勢,但差異不大;中筋品種在不同土壤質地上積累動態呈不規則拋物線,其中,在壤土上淀粉積累量最大;弱筋品種在不同土壤上淀粉積累均呈拋物線型,在壤土上淀粉積累量最大。

( 3 ) the definition of soil series applied the method of direct nomenclature ( eg . qingjiang series ) , searches of soil series was the order : soil structure - the texture of hydragric epipedon - the proportion of clay and salt ( eg . apl - ap2 - g - clay loam - 0 . 54 ) , 10 typical soil sections were classified 10 soil series ( eg . qingjiang series beihe series ) and belonged to 5 subgroups and 4 groups of hydragric anthrosols ( 3 )土系采用直接命名法(如:清江系) ,其檢索采取剖面構型+表層優勢質地+粘砂比的性態檢索順序(如: ap1 - ap2 - c +粘壤土+ 0 . 35 ) ,被研究的10個典型土壤剖面被劃分為清江系、北河系等10個土系,分別隸屬于5個水耕人為土亞類、 4個水耕人為土土類。

Under subsurface drip irrigation , soil wetted front movement when higher soil initial moisture content was quicker than that of when it is lower , so did the supplied water pressure and soil bulk density . the wetted front movement of clay loam was clearly slow than that of sandy soil , especially in the larger soil bulk density 地下滴灌條件下,初始含水量較高的土柱,濕潤鋒運移速度快于含水量較低的;在較高的供水壓力條件下,各個方向的濕潤鋒運移都比低水頭情況下的快;容重越大的土柱濕潤鋒運移速度越緩慢。

This research was conducted to : ( 1 ) understand the characteristic and pattern of trickle source infiltration , ( 2 ) study mulched crop evapotraspiration for cotton and corn in a arid climate sandy loam soils . according to the researches of the dissertation , the main results are as follows : ( 1 ) the shape of wetted soil volume is influenced by soil texture , discharge rate and the total volume of applied water in case of trickle source infiltration 本文以粘壤土為研究對象,對微源入滲特性規律進行了系統的室內試驗研究,并且對膜下滴灌大田作物棉花和玉米的需水規律進行了野外試驗,得到了以下幾點結論: ( 1 )地表微源入滲土壤濕潤體的形狀受到土壤質地、供水強度和灌水時間的影響,一般為半個橢球體。

It would almost have won round any man but angel clare . within the remote depths of his constitution , so gentle and affectionate as he was in general , there lay hidden a hard logical deposit , like a vein of metal in a soft loam , which turned the edge of everything that attempted to traverse it 總的說來,安琪爾溫柔而富有熱情,但在他的內心深處,卻隱藏著一塊堅硬的邏輯沉淀,就像是松軟的土壤里埋著的金屬礦床,無論什么東西要穿過去,都得折斷尖刃。

The empirical equation w = asb was used to fit water holding capacity of four kinds of agricultural soils in loess plateau . soil water holding capacity and unavailable water content increased as soil texture became clayed . available water content in loam was higher than those in sandy soil and clayed soil 黃土高原四種主要農業土壤的水分特征曲線并無明顯的平臺或拐點產生,其關系能夠很好地用garden經驗方程( w = as ~ ( - b ) )進行擬合。

Large amounts of lab experimellts showed that the consistency of swr sensor is very good , and the swr sensor have excellent results in every kinds of soil texture , especially in loam , clay and acid loam . there were not big variations among their measurement results 特別是壤土、粘土、酸性粘壤土等土質對測量結果的影響達到了極不顯著的水平,它們之間測量值的相關系數都達到了0 . 97以上。

The soils ( paleudults ) consist predominantly of light brown fine loamy sand to fine sandy loam changing with depth into a brown sandy clay loam and sandy clay with red mottles 土壤(強發育濕潤老成土)主要為淡棕色細壤質砂土到細砂質壤土,隨著深度增加,土壤變為棕色砂質粘壤土和帶有紅色斑點的砂質粘土。

The correlations among them were analyzed . [ result ] the main results were as follows : before seeding , the number of microorganisms were largest in sandy loam and smallest in clay 方法采用池栽方式,以掖單22為材料,研究不同質地土壤的玉米根際微生物數量和酶活性變化,并進行相關分析。

In silking stage , the number of the 3 microorganisms were largest in loam and smallest in clay ; and the 5 enzyme activities were highest in loam and lowest in sandy loam 吐絲期, 3種質地土壤玉米根際微生物數量均表現為中壤最多,重壤最少; 5種酶活性均表現為中壤最大,砂壤最小。

Loam a medium - textured soil containing a mixture of large and small mineral particles . loams are easy soils to work and combine the good properties of sandy and clay soils 壤土:一種中等密度的土壤,其中包含大小不同的礦物質顆粒。這種土壤利于種植,并具有沙土和黏土的優點。

This paper studies the factors including injection pattern , injection procedure and slug size which influence the displacement efficiency of loam flooding 針對影響泡沫復合驅驅油效率的注入方式、注入程序及段塞大小等重要因素進行了一系列的研究。

The cornus officinalis more is fit for in growing on the stone medium light loam of gravel content 在滿足土壤肥力和地貌條件之外,山茱萸更適合于在石礫含量中等的輕壤土上生長。

A hole about 1 . 25 cm deep should be made into a soil of friable loam soil with a high humus content 一個大約1 . 25厘米深的洞、應該做成一易碎肥土土壤或者高腐殖質的土壤。