
loafer n.1.游手好閑的人,二流子,無業游民。2.平底便鞋,懶...


And all the ragamuffins and sluts of the nation round the door and martin telling the jarvey to drive ahead and the citizen bawling and alf and joe at him to whisht and he on his high horse about the jews and the loafers calling for a speech and jack power trying to get him to sit down on the car and hold his bloody jaw and a loafer with a patch over his eye starts singing if the man in the moon was a jew , jew , jew and a slut shouts out of her 那家伙呢,趾高氣揚地大談其猶太人。二流子們起哄要他發表演說,杰克鮑爾試圖叫他在馬車里坐下來,讓他閉上該死的嘴巴。有個一只眼睛上蒙著眼罩的二流子,扯著喉嚨唱開了:倘若月亮里那個男子是個猶太人,猶太人,猶太人616有個婊子大喊道:

So me and the duke went up to the village , and hunted around there for the king , and by and by we found him in the back room of a little low doggery , very tight , and a lot of loafers bullyragging him for sport , and he a - cussing and a - threatening with all his might , and so tight he couldn t walk , and couldn t do nothing to them 后來在一家下等酒館的后邊房間里找到了他。他已經喝得醉醺醺,一些游手好閑之徒正在拿他開玩笑。他呢,正使勁一邊罵人,一邊唬人,醉得路也走不成,對人家更無還手之力。

You d see a muddy sow and a litter of pigs come lazying along the street and whollop herself right down in the way , where folks had to walk around her , and she d stretch out and shut her eyes and wave her ears whilst the pigs was milking her , and look as happy as if she was on salary . and pretty soon you d hear a loafer sing out , “ hi 有時你會看見一頭泥糊糊的母豬帶著一群豬崽子懶洋洋地沿街逛蕩,一歪身就當著街上躺了下來,害得人們走過時必須繞過它走,它卻攤著四肢,閉上眼睛,搖搖耳朵,喂著小豬崽子,那神態的舒坦,仿佛它也是領薪水過活的。

And away the sow would go , squealing most horrible , with a dog or two swinging to each ear , and three or four dozen more a - coming ; and then you would see all the loafers get up and watch the thing out of sight , and laugh at the fun and look grateful for the noise 老母豬便一邊發出可怕的尖叫聲,一邊逃走,因為它左右兩旁都有一兩只狗咬著它的耳朵打秋千。這時還可見到那些無賴一個個站了起來,樂得哈哈大笑,一直看到不見蹤影才算了事。他們那個模樣仿佛在說,虧得有了這場熱鬧。

Added to which was the coincidence of meeting , discussion , dance , row , old salt , of the here today and gone tomorrow type , night loafers , the whole galaxy of events , all went to make up a miniature cameo of the world we live in , especially as the lives of the submerged tenth , viz . , 再加上他們萍水相逢,一道談論,跳舞,爭吵,同這些行蹤不定的老水手,夜間的流浪者們,令人眼花繚亂的一連串事件都湊在一起,構成了我們所生活的這個世界的雛形浮雕。尤其是近來對“十分之一的底層階級” 184 ,也就是煤礦工人潛水員清道夫等等的生活,正做著精密的調查。

That old fool had made a trade and got forty dollars , and when we found him in the doggery the loafers had matched half - dollars with him and got every cent but what he d spent for whisky ; and when i got him home late last night and found the raft gone , we said , that little rascal has stole our raft and shook us , and run off down the river 除了他付威士忌酒賬的錢以外,他們把他所有的錢騙了個精光。到下半夜,我把他弄回家,一看,木筏子不見了。我們說,那個小流氓把我們的木筏子偷走啦,他撇下我們不聞不問,往大河下游去啦。 ”

They had white domestic awnings in front , and the country people hitched their horses to the awning - posts . there was empty drygoods boxes under the awnings , and loafers roosting on them all day long , whittling them with their barlow knives ; and chawing tobacco , and gaping and yawning and stretching - a mighty ornery lot 布篷下堆放著裝雜貨的空木箱,一些游手好閑的人整天坐在上面,或是用他們身邊帶的巴羅牌小刀,在箱子上削來削去,或是嘴里嚼嚼煙草,或是張開嘴打打呵欠,伸伸懶腰這群十足的無賴。

The same thing also happens to chul - min and his friends . these loafers are impoverished and outcast of the society , but their attitudes are always optimistic . compared to the miserable and desperate encounters of the characters in 不過影片也繼承了郭氏以往重男性情誼輕男女感情的特點, chul - min和jung - ae的關系不乏戲味,但始終樸朔迷離,沒有完滿結局。

More or less economically acting individuals get segregated in dog packs , “ workers ” and “ idlers , ” while the dogs of natural breeds really evoke the image of a troop of loafers 應為在節省體力方面的與眾不同,節省體力的狗狗在狗群中是另類, “勤勞的小蜜蜂”還是“超級大懶蟲” ,總之,原生態的狗狗是會讓你聯想起一群流浪者。

There was as many as one loafer leaning up against every awning - post , and he most always had his hands in his britches - pockets , except when he fetched them out to lend a chaw of tobacco or scratch 往往有游手好閑之徒,身子靠著布篷柱子,雙手老是插在褲袋里,除非要伸出手來拿一口煙嚼嚼,或是抓一下癢。

The same thing also happens to chul - min and his friends . these loafers are impoverished and outcast of the society , but their attitudes are always optimistic 同樣地, chul - min和一班豬朋舊友的情誼,亦不乏妙趣之處。

Against john long s a drowsing loafer lounged in heavy thought , gnawing a crusted knuckle . handy man wants job . small wages 一個睡意的流浪漢倚著約翰朗酒吧的墻,邊啃著結了一層厚痂指關節,邊深深地陷入冥。

You re a loafer , that s what , an i ain t asleep . you ain t goin to do no spongin off me just because i m marryin your sister 你這個懶蟲,你就是懶,我可不糊涂,你別因為我要娶你的妹妹就想來占什么便宜。

On _ ( 4 ) _ hand , nurses who spend hours on their feet may opt for unattractive , practical white loafers 另一方面,每天要站好幾小時的護士可能會選擇平凡、實用的白色便鞋。

Waterfront restaurants that serve big crab feasts draw men wearing leather loafers sans socks 大餐的碼頭餐館還專門招攬那些穿著皮質懶漢鞋不穿襪子的男人。

If a loafer were not a nuisance to you , it is a sign that you are somewhat of loafer yourself 假如你對無業游民不感到討厭,那你本身就有點是無業游民了。

Some of them kinds of loafers never has a cent in the world , nor a chaw of tobacco of their own 這些流氓,有的人從來身無分文,也從沒有自己的煙葉子。

Those kids in the back of the class are all loafers . they never study or anything 教室后面坐的那些同學都是懶漢。他們從來不學習,也不做任何事。

All the loafers looked glad ; i reckoned they was used to having fun out of boggs 那些二流子一個個興高采烈,我看他們慣于拿博格斯開開心。