
loaf n.( pl. loaves)1.一個面包〔通常重 1,...


The boy usually eats two loaves of bread for breakfast 251那個男孩早餐常吃兩個面包。

Half a loaf is better than no bread 諺半個面包總比沒有好;聊勝于無。

Half a loaf is better than none 諺語面包半個別嫌少,總比沒有面包好。

Or maybe we bring the meat loaf into the bedroom 那就把這肉餡糕帶進臥室吃

I went to the baker ' s to buy a loaf of fresh bread 我到面包鋪去買了一個新鮮的面包。

You been working hard , deserve a little loafing time 你干活很賣力,所以應該休息一下

Anyway he comes up with these loaves and fishes 不管怎么說吧,他帶著烤肉和魚跑過來

I ' ve gotta pinch a loaf . did anybody mess up the hoop 我要去大便,沒人弄臟廁所吧?

He sat down , cut and buttered a slice of the loaf 他坐下來,切了片面包,涂上黃油。

Driven by hunger , he stole a loaf of bread 受到饑餓的驅使,他偷了條面包。

Qotto : a loaf of bread and some cheese . i like them 一條面包和奶酪,我喜歡它們。

It ' s just like a hungry person sees a loaf of bread 如同饑餓的人撲在面包上。

Two brown loaves and one large white one , please 請拿兩個黑面包和一個大的白面包

There were five thousand men who ate the loaves 可6 : 44吃餅的男人、共有五千。

It will make people ' s intelligence get rusty to loaf 游手好閑會使人心智生銹。

The hogs loafed and grunted around everywheres 豬到處走動,嘴里咕嚕咕嚕叫喚著。

Boy , if your meat loaf is as good as it looks , 這肉餡糕要是真的像看上去這么好吃

Don ' t stand there loafing there ' s work to be done 別站在那兒呆著- -有事要干呢

Doctrinaire reformers demanded the whole loaf of reform and denounced roosevelt when he accepted half or two thirds of the loaf . 不切合實際的改革者要求全盤改革。并在羅斯福同意一半或三分之一的改革時指責他。