
loadstone n.1.天然磁石。2.吸引人的東西。


Yes . like the mariner in the old story , the winds and streams had driven him within the influence of the loadstone rock , and it was drawing him to itself , and he must go 是的,正如在古老故事里的老水手一樣,海風和洋流已把他送進了磁礁的磁力圈,那礁石正把他不容抗拒地吸引過去。

Was the poor prisoner s cry with which he strengthened his sinking heart , as he left all that was dear on earth behind him , and floated away for the loadstone rock 這是那可憐的囚徒的呼喚。他就是用這呼喚鼓起勇氣,拋開了他在這世上所愛的一切,向那磁礁漂流而去的。

Yes . the loadstone rock was drawing him , and he must sail on , until he struck 是的,磁力礁吸引著他,他必須揚帆前進,直至觸礁為止。

A tale of two cities chapter xxiv drain to the loadstone rock 第二十四章漂向磁礁