
load n.1.裝載,擔子;負擔;工作(負荷)量。2.(車船等的...

load displacement

I've seen loads of theaters . 我看到數不清的劇院。

A high impedance coupling device will limit loading . 一個高阻抗的耦合裝置將限制負載。

Heavy as the load , they two coped with it all right . 負擔雖重,他們兩個也頂下來了。

The head load time is: 35ms . 磁頭加載時間:35毫秒。

The boy assisted in loading some small articles . 那孩子幫著把一些零碎東西裝到車上。

He will bear a load on his shoulders . 他將肩負重擔。

I now feel that the year 1944 was loaded with danger . 現在我感到在1944年危機四伏。

The equivalent loading is shown in fig. 1-24(d) . 圖1-24(d)則表示出了相應的載荷。

The ship is fully loaded with rice . 輪船滿載著大米。

The ship is loading for london . 這船正裝貨運往倫敦。

He shifted the load from his left to his right shoulder . 他把擔子從左肩換到右肩。

A plane can carry only so much load after all . 一架飛機終歸只能承載那么多的負荷。

Secondly it is necessary to define the applied load . 其次,需要確定所作用的載荷。

Put down your load and rest . 放下扛著的東西歇一會兒。

Load a new film into the camera . 把新膠卷裝進照相機里。

If this is really true , it 'll take a load off my mind . 果真如此,我就放心了。

He carried a load of wood on his back . 他背著一捆木柴。

That idea is a load of humbug . 那個意見簡直是一派胡言。

Get a load of what she is saying . 注意聽聽她在說些什么。