
loach n.【動物;動物學】泥鰍。


Gala presentataion , asian vision , a tribute to lester janmes sumitra peries , global images , director in focue : ken loach , debuts , the zone , truth or dare : documentaries east west , animation and short films , celebratint the centenary of cinema . . . . . . kproduction background , reviews , stills , biographies and filmographies of the directors and essays 影迷嘉年華亞洲視野世界之窗蓓里斯與蓓里斯:斯里蘭卡夫妻檔東張西望:紀錄片精粹焦點導演:堅盧治影壇新力軍不設房地帶動畫及短片電影百年紀念特輯制作資料影片介紹精美劇照導演生平作品年表以及專題評論文章等。

It distributes widely and survives easily . smears of blood samples were prepared conveniently ; and there is no restriction on seasons . for these reasons , mcn and ona test in erythrocytes of loach is rather useful index for detecting mutagenetic compounds in the aquatic environment 研究結果表明,泥鰍對于核變異的誘發具有較高的敏感性,且泥鰍分布較廣,易存活,且血量也較搬料多,并能在不同季節評測水質狀況,因此,泥鰍紅細胞微核和核異常測試法可作為監測水環境中致變化合物的一個較為實用的指標。

When ieyasu tokugawa established the shogunate in edo in 1603 , edo - mae began to develop as the cooking of what were then tokyo s inner city neighborhoods and continues even today . representative of this cuisine are items like sushi , tempura , soba noodles , oden , and grilled eel , as well as dishes , such as loach stew made with fish caught in edo s rivers and irrigation canals . tempura is said to derive from a portuguese word , either tenporanore or tenpolas 1603年(慶長8年) ,德川家康定幕府于此地,開八百八町以后, “江戶前”的料理便以所謂的下町(庶民街區)為中心發展起來,直至現在。代表性的有“壽司” 、 “天麩羅” 、 “喬麥面條” 、 “日式雜燴( oden ) ” 、 “香蒲燒烤( kabayaki ) ” ,此外,還有“泥鰍鍋”和“河魚料理”等。

The loach is a kind of food , rich in economic value . the author has made the rapid development of loach possible by injecting the oxytoein to the loach , controlling the time for its spawn and improving its reproductive capacity artificially , which provides a lot of loach seeds for its breeding 泥鰍是一種經濟價值很高的食品,作者通過對泥鰍進行催產激素的注射試驗,人為控制泥鰍的產卵時間,提高泥鰍繁殖能力,從而為泥鰍養殖提供大量的魚種,為其迅速發展提供了可能

The mineral rock - silica rock mostly composes of three kinds of silica qualities , and the first structure jasper silica rock , the second icrocrystal quartzite , the third the quartz grain clast . cement is carbonate , contain a little amount carbonate loach . silica rock , commonly assume edge angle or hypo - edge angle 區內的含礦巖石?硅質巖主要由三種硅質成分構成,第一種為顯脫玻?霏細結構的碧玉質硅質巖,第二種為微晶石英巖,第三種為石英顆粒內碎屑。

Tropical rainforest stylistic outdoor swimming pool , sauna bath , chess room , tennis court . ping - pong tables , billiards room , and gymnasiu are available there , furthermore , there are full - time loaches then the center and some professional guidance must help to upgrade the quality of your training course 康體中心設施全,設有熱帶雨林風格的室外游泳池,棋牌室網球場乒乓球室臺球室兒童活動中心和健身房,五星級康體服務帶給您貴賓級的享受。

In four kinds of weedicides , the average frequencies of mcn in erythrocytes of loach induced by sofit have a obviously increase and significant different in comparison with other three herbicides , it indicates that sofit has greater mutagenic activity and toxicity than other three herbicides 掃?特對泥鰍紅細胞微核的誘變效應最強,掃?特誘發的泥鰍紅細胞微核細胞率與氟樂靈和2 -甲- 4氯鈉水劑差異極顯著,與精禾草克差異顯著。

Objective : study the proteome profiles of serum and skin proteins of loach stimulated with trauma in comparison to control group . identify app candidates and search for functional proteins of special research value 研究目的:研究泥鰍創傷后血清和皮膚蛋白質組的變化情況,鑒定apr候選蛋白,尋找其中具有特殊研究價值的活性蛋白,進行功能上的鑒定。

British director ken loach ' s “ the wind that shakes the barley “ , a saga set amid ireland ' s struggle for independence in the early 1920s , won the “ palme d ' or “ at the 59th cannes film festival last sunday 上周日,由英國導演肯羅奇執導的影片風吹稻浪摘得第59屆戛納電影節金棕櫚大獎,該片以20世紀20年代早期的愛爾蘭獨立戰爭為大背景。

Inductive effects of six herbicides : acetochlor , saturn , nc - 302d ( + ) , frifluralin , sofit and 2 - ethyl - 4chloro sodium hydration , on micronuclei ( mcn ) and other nuclear anomalies ( ona ) in erythrocytes of loach were studied 研究了乙草胺、殺草丹、精禾草克、氟樂靈、掃?特, 2 -甲- 4氯鈉水劑等6種除草劑對泥鰍紅細胞核的誘變效應。

It suggests that the herbicide can cause significant direct genetic damages to chromosome of loach . our experimental results show that loach are susceptible to the induction of nuclear variation 表明不同濃度的精禾草克作用24h可引起泥鰍染色體結構和數目畸變率的顯著上升,說明該除草劑對泥鰍染色體具有明顯的直接損傷作用。

Misgurin is a kind of pepetide separated from loach with high antibacterial activity as well as low hemolytic activity . as a result , it could be developed to be a new antibacterial agent Misgurin是一種從泥鰍中分離出來的,具有強抗菌活性而無溶血活性的抗菌肽,因而有望成為一種抗菌新藥。

At the same time , loach is not hesitant to show the racism and intolerance on the other side , further heaping complications to the couple s simple quest for love 盧治處理愛情已臻化境,浪漫已不是一個經得起考驗的詞兒,男女初見床上坦然相對,沒有吳儂軟語,卻多的是自然寫實的細膩筆觸。

Characteristics of the cloisonn enamel porcelain : plump on body part ; smooth back of loach at bottom ; natural and fluent lines on shoulder part 此款琺瑯彩瓷器造型特點:腹部豐滿,底足為光滑的泥鰍背,器物肩部線條流暢自然。

The will theory refers to suffering is the essence of life was vividly implied by the film loach also is fish 摘要影片《泥鰍也是魚》運用充滿能指意味的影像語言,生動地詮釋了意志的本質就是痛苦的生命意志理論。

This colored enamel porcelain features bumpy middle , smooth loach - back - like support , and shoulders with smooth and natural line 此款琺瑯彩瓷器造型特點:腹部豐滿,底足為光滑的泥鰍背,器物肩部線條流暢自然。

Loach is fish too 泥鰍也是魚

Influence of oxytocin on loach ' s breeding 催產激素對泥鰍繁殖的影響

Why quot; loach quot; can ' t reach the place he is yearning for 為什么沒有能夠抵達它向往的地方