
lo int.〔古語〕看哪! 瞧! Lo and behold...


He is married to may lo with a daughter 前塵往事成云煙,消散在彼此眼前

Lo , the scarlet letter which hester wears 看看吧,海絲特佩戴著的紅字!

As soon as we go out , lo and behold , it begin to rain 我們剛一出門,你瞧,就下起雨來了。

A hortage of 50m / t i a ig lo for us 50公噸的短重對我們是個不小的損失。

Do you think j . lo has a brown iawn 你難道認為j . lo會有一個褐色的草坪嘛?

Cinespot : starsfile - lo hau - yam , candy Cinespot動映地帶:影人檔案-盧巧音

Women won t pick up pins . say it cuts lo 女人不肯撿起針來,說是那樣就會把愛情斷送掉。

But lo and behold , a few of my rats survived 不過你瞧有些小白鼠活下來了

The five - category assets classification for bank lo 貸款質量五級分類辦法

Peng chau : peng chau public landing steps at lo peng street 坪洲:露坪街坪洲公眾登岸處

Prof . alison yuk yam lo assistant professor , dcrs 盧玉音教授(文化及宗教研究系助理教授)

Group discussion summaries group 4 : mr lo kam - wah 第四組主持:盧錦華先生

Remodelling of lo wu , mongkok , shatin kcr stations 羅湖旺角及沙田九廣鐵路車站改建計劃

Mr . lo wai on , information engineering , year 1 盧偉安-訊息工程學系一年級

Kallen . good . j . lo ' s coming to the coliseum next month 凱倫,對了j羅下個月要來拳擊場

If you had one of them j . lo beyonc booties 如果你有詹妮弗洛那樣的美臀

User lo * * ed in , proceed . lo * * ed out if appropriate 用戶已登入。如果不需要可以登出。

Improve conditions at lo wu and sha tau kok 改善羅湖沙頭角口岸的通關條件

12 tung lo wan drive , moreton terrace , causeway bay , hk 香港銅鑼灣摩頓臺銅鑼灣徑12號