
llewellyn n.盧埃林〔男子名〕。


In the movie , the “ panic room “ fails , but with today ' s technology , that should not happen , said mark llewellyn , a 27 - year fbi veteran , now retired , who consults on security for rigdon 在影片中“戰栗空間”失守了,但以如今的技術,這是不該發生的, marklewellyn說。他是一名27年工齡的fbi退伍軍人,現已退休,曾經做過rigdon的安全咨詢。

Due to the snakebite he suffers in ootp , arthur weasley is being held in the [ url = “ http : / / www . hp - lexicon . org / wizards / wizards - l - n . html # llewellyn “ ] “ dangerous ” dai lleywellyn [ / url ] ward : serious bites 由于在為鳳凰社執行任務時被蛇咬傷,亞瑟?韋斯萊被安置在“危險”戴?盧埃林病房:重度咬傷。

It takes 20 years to see the impact of what ' s going on now , ” says h is wwf colleague , ghislaine llewellyn . “ it may already be too late 現在這一切對將來的影響,只有等20年后才能看到, ”特爾的一位世界自然保護基金會( wwf )的同事吉絲雷?魯利恩說, “但那時也許已經亡羊補牢,為時過晚了。 ”

Gilly ( llewellyn ) , from the conservation organization wwf , says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the ( coral ) sea ' s ecosystem 世界自然基金會野生動物保護組織的gillyllewellyn表示,污染及石油天然氣的開鉆這類威脅都可能會破壞珊瑚海生態系統。

Gilly llewellyn , from the conservation organization wwf , says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the coral sea ' s ecosystem 吉莉?盧埃林是環保組織wwf的一員,她認為包括污染以及石油和天然氣開采在內的許多威脅都可能會破壞珊瑚海的生態系統。

Gilly llewellyn , from the conservation organization wwf , says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the coral sea ' s ecosystem Gilly llewellyn是wwf保護組織的成員,表示污染和石油開然氣的開發成為損害珊瑚海生態的幾種危脅之一

Gilly llewellyn , from the conservation organization wwf , says pollution and and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the coral sea ' s ecosystem 來自世界野生動物基金保護組織的g . l . ,表示石油和天然氣泄漏造成的污染會破壞珊瑚海的生態系統

Gilly llewellyn , from the conservation organization wwf , says pollution and oil and gas drilling are among many threats that could damage the coral sea ' s ecosystem 來自環保組織wwf的gillyllewellyn指出污染與燃油開發成為破壞珊瑚海生態資源的幾個因素之一。

Llewellyn claims that the work of appellate courts then was in the person of a resuscitating common law tradition , grand style 盧埃林認為當時的美國州上訴法院正處于一種復蘇普通法傳統,即宏大風格之中。

Karl llewellyn , in his early writings , was a spokesman for orthodox realist theory 卡爾?盧埃林在其早期著作里扮演了一個正統現實主義學說的代言人。

The common law tradition is the congelation of llewellyn ' s learning career 摘要《普通法傳統》是盧埃林三十多年學術生涯的凝結。

Llewellyn looked round hastily, and there, under the torn and bloodstained blankets, was his baby son, quite safe . 盧埃林急忙回過頭來一看,在那條被撕爛和沾滿血污的毯子下面,發現了他的小兒子安然無恙。