
llano n.(pl. llanos) 南美洲的大草原。


The enterprising artist has collected the best joropo works for traditional harp and bandola from the andes and the llanos , the great plains of the orinoco and amazon basins , creating a new repertoire full of delightful hints of the spanish baroque harpsichord 來自哥倫比亞的卡德隆精研荷羅波( joropo )樂派,她擷取了這種源自安第斯山脈、奧里諾科河及亞馬遜河盆地最優秀的豎琴及班多拉琴樂章,改寫為充滿西班牙巴羅克式古鋼琴風格的樂曲。

The enterprising artist has collected the best joropo works for traditional harp and bandola from the andes and the llanos , the great plains of the orinoco and amazon basins , creating a new repertoire full of delightful hints of the spanish baroque harpsichord 來自哥倫比亞的卡德隆精研荷羅波joropo樂派,她擷取了這種源自安第斯山脈奧里諾科河及亞馬遜河盆地最優秀的豎琴及班多拉琴樂章,改寫為充滿西班牙巴羅克式古鋼琴風格的樂曲。

Caldern s exciting rhythmic piano - like galloping horses - combined with typical llanero folk ensemble instruments , has established a fresh musical experience , bringing the sounds and rhythmic energy from the llanos into a universal concert format 草原民族鋼琴合奏團,以卡德隆富現代感和活力的鋼琴演奏為主,其他成員則配以傳統樂器,交織成別具一格的嶄新南美音樂。

The texas state capital sity straddles the line between two geologic provinces - to the west is the uplifted plateau of cretaceous limestones and exposed precambrian llano uplift , while the lowland bladk prairie country stretches eastward for miles 西部是白堊質的石灰石突起的高處地帶和暴露的precambrian llano突出處,而低處的black prairie直向東部擴展數里。

Blackburn ' s body was removed , and he eventually was buried in llano cemetery , but his plane has remained in the chinese lake for more than 60 years 布萊克本的尸體被打撈出來,最終被埋葬在大公墓里,但是他駕駛的飛機卻一直埋藏在中國的湖泊里達60年之久。

He was reburied permanently in llano cemetery in 1949 , according to amarillo globe - news files 根據亞馬瑞羅環球新聞文件,布萊克本的尸體于1949年最終埋葬在大公墓里。