
llama n.【動物;動物學】美洲駝,無峰駝。


Larger , more dangerous beasts , including tigers , ostriches , buffalo , yaks , emus , kangaroos , llamas , zebras and giraffes were enclosed in the largest private zoo in the world 那些大家伙,比較危險的野獸,包括老虎、鴕鳥、水牛、牦牛、鴯鹋(產于澳洲的大型鳥) 、袋鼠、駱駝、斑馬和長頸鹿,則被關在這個世界上最大的私人動物園里。

I never really knew that she could dance like this . she makes a man want to speak spanish . como se llama ( si ! ) , bonita ( si ! ) , mi casa ( shakira shakira ) , su casa 我從不知道她可以這樣跳舞.她使男人們想要會講西班牙語,你叫什么名字(是! ) ,美女(是! ) ,我的家(夏奇拉夏奇拉) ,你的家

The dama llamas from qingdao are one of the only original music acts in a city of 7 million people . you ' ll love them , unless . . . you ' re sober 達馬駱駝從青島是唯一一個原創音樂的行為,在一個城市的700萬人。你一定會喜歡他們,除非. . .你清醒了。

The strength , size , and surefootedness of the llama make it as excellent beast of burden in mountainous regions today as it was in the past 駱駝的力氣,身體大小以及走路行動時候的平穩使之成為在山區內理想的用于馱東西的牲畜。

Those fortunate enough to arrive early in the morning will see llama s slowly escaping the city as the number of visitors increase 有幸在清晨抵達該城的人會看見駱馬隨著游客漸多而緩步離開該城。

As i walked past the ruins of the complex [ 4 ] , birds of varied hues and colors and llamas moved past unhurriedly 當我走過這一宏偉建筑的遺跡時,色彩斑斕的鳥兒和美洲駝從容不迫地從我身旁經過。

The plains abound in llamas and alpacas , whose wool the women knit into colorful clothing to sell in the 此平原盛產駱馬及羊駝,婦女們編織其毛制作鮮艷的服飾,帶至旁諾及朱利亞卡的市場販賣。

Y zma sighs tell us where the talking llama is or we ll burn your house to the ground 澤馬嘆了口氣告訴我們會說話的駱駝在哪,否則我們就把你的房子夷為平地。

Yzma tell us where the talking llama is and we ll burn your house to the ground 澤馬告訴我們會說話的駱駝在哪,我們就把你的房子夷為平地。

A real llama 一頭真正的羊駝

And into the llama 再到駱馬

Mi ciudad se llama buenos aires . es la capital de la rep blica argentina 我的城市名叫布宜諾斯艾利斯。它是阿根廷共和國的首都。

- llama ? - are there llamas in china -駱馬? -中國有駱馬嗎?

You can see llamas in south america 你可以在南美洲看到駱馬。

Llama ? - are there llamas in china -駱馬? -中國有駱馬嗎?

What ' s that ? - the picture of the llama you got last year -什么? -你去年買的駱駝的那幅畫

- what ' s that ? - the picture of the llama you got last year -什么? -你去年買的駱駝的那幅畫

Now , did you - - ? did you actually get to see any llamas 你們. . .你們真的親眼看到羊駝了嗎?

Some kind of a yak ? - no , that ' s a llama 是不是一種牦牛? -不,是羊駝