
lizzie n.莉齊〔女子名,Elizabeth 的昵稱〕。


Lizzie s words were ringing in his ears 麗的話在馬丁的耳邊震響。

- lizzie , lend me some money . - you already owe me a fortune -伊麗莎白,借我點錢-你已經借過了

You haven ' t metyet ? hi . i ' m lizzie 你們還沒見過面?嘿,我是利茲

For heaven ' s sake , lizzie , don ' t look at me like that 看在上天的份上,伊麗莎白別那樣看著我

Lizzie , are you out of your senses ? i thought you hated the man 你瘋了嗎?我以為你恨那個人

That ' s fine . t omorrow ' s fi - - lizzie . ronny 好啊,明天利茲,朗尼

Let ' s not stray from the point , lizzie 讓我們把話講明白了吧,麗莎

Look at lizzie , she ' s back to her old self 看看莉齊她象以前一樣。

Lizzie that gentleman barely warrants the name 那位紳士幾乎不叫名字

Lizzie , we shall have no peace until she goes 伊麗莎白,如果麗迪雅不走我們永無安寧的生活

You belong by rights to girls like lizzie connolly 你理所當然是屬于麗康諾利這樣的姑娘的。

So was lizzie borden , and her mother wasn ' t president . . 利斯?波爾頓也是,她母親不正是. .

[ lizzie ' s voice ] ifhe bounces the ball once instead oftwice , 如果他把球彈一次而不是兩次

[ lizzie ] that gentleman barely warrants the name 那位紳士幾乎不叫名字

Oh , and by the way , lizzie did win the u . s . open 哦,另外,利茲后來確實贏得了美國公開賽

Lizzie is the reason that i ' m here today 利茲是今天我能打到這里的原因

Oh , but lizzie would never admit that she ' s plain 噢,但是伊麗莎白從不會承諾她長很普通

Lizzie youpractice together , you travel together , 你們一起訓練一起旅行

I ' m looking for lizzie bradbury . haveyou seen her 我在找利茲布萊德芭莉你見到她了嗎?