
lizard n.1.【動物;動物學】蜥蜴。2.一種家養的雜色金絲雀。...


Most lizards are 1 2 eggs , and the largest kind can be 3 4 5 ten 6 大多數的蜥蜴是卵生,而且最大的一種可長達十英? 。

Smallest little lot lizard i ' d ever seen , tricking them truckers for change 最不具風流潛質的人,正招攬那些卡車司機

This slow - moving desert lizard eats nothing but small black ants -這種行動緩慢的沙漠蜥蜴只以細小的黑蟻為食物。

Of course not , if lizards were mammals they would not lay eggs 當然不是,如果蜥蜴是哺乳類動物?們就不會下蛋。

Topic : food nutrition of lizards 主題:蜥蜴的食物及營養

He is the lizard king reincarnated 他一定是蜥蜴王轉世

They ' re big , gnarly lizards . . .是一種巨大而丑陋的蜥蜴

Lizzie ' s dizzy lizard did not litter at lizzie ' s lot 麗奇的那只頭暈的蟋蟀沒有在麗奇的空地上亂丟東西。

Lizard is a small creature with four legs , a sort of reptile 蜥蜴是有四條腿的小動物,一種爬行類動物。

No , a lizard , not a blizzard 不,是一只蜥蜴,不是暴風雪

I will not bring you dead mice and lizard tails as presents 我不會把死老鼠和壁虎尾巴作為禮物送給您。

Health potions , lizard oils , onion tonics , cure - alls 健康沖劑,蜥蜴油,洋蔥滋補劑,可以治愈一切。

But you don ' t want to get bit by a yellow - spotted lizard 但是我想你是希望被有黃色斑點的蜥蜴咬到。

Lizard is a kind of old reptile 蜥蜴是一種古老的爬行動物。

Man , we ain ' t diggin ' for no lizards 我們不是在為蜥蜴挖坑。

Ireland and the only reptile is the common lizard 愛爾蘭沒有蛇,這里唯一的爬蟲類動物是普通蜥蜴。

So he must run as fast as a lizard 那他一定爬的和蜥蜴一樣快啦

Animal : dogs cats hated animal : lizards 對自己的形容:難以形容

Lizards and snakes are cold - blooded animals 蜥蜴和蛇是冷血動物。