
livingstone n.利文斯通〔姓氏〕。


There master courtenay , sitting in his own chamber , gave his rede and master justice andrews sitting without a jury in the probate court , weighed well and pondered the claims of the first chargeant upon the property in the matter of the will propounded and final testamentary disposition in re the real and personal estate of the late lamented jacob halliday , vintner , deceased versus livingstone , an infant , of unsound mind , and another 在該遺囑中,被深切哀悼的已故葡萄酒商雅各布哈利戴留給了神經不正常的未成年人利文斯通和另一個人各一份動產與不動產。關于337第一債權人對這份呈交上來以供檢驗其合法性并最終確定如何予以執行的遺囑中記載的財產所提出的要求,他正在慎重衡量并深思熟慮。

Livingstone , who famously branded pigeons “ rats with wings “ , banned feeding the birds on the famous central london square in november 2003 and dispatched two harris hawks as a deterrent , prompting protests from animal rights campaigners around the world 李文斯頓的名言之一就是曾把鴿子冠以有翅膀的老鼠惡名,他在2003年11月下令禁止民眾在倫敦市中心這座著名的廣場上喂食鴿子,更派出兩只哈里斯獵鷹負責嚇跑鴿群,引發全球動物權益倡議人士的抗議。

Mayor ken livingstone added : “ later this year i will be visiting both beijing and shanghai with a delegation of representatives from london business . i will be opening london offices in both cities to promote links between london and china 利文斯敦市長補充說: “今年下半年,我將與倫敦商界代表團一起訪問北京和上海,并將在這兩個城市設立倫敦辦事處以加強倫敦和中國之間的聯系。

London mayor ken livingstone unveiled the london experience an exhibition offering chinese visitors a taste of the citys diverse range of attractions , world - class educational and business opportunities on april 10 at the millennium monument in chinas capital city 倫敦市市長肯利文斯通先生4月10日晚8點,在北京中華世紀壇為大型倫敦風情展覽- - “體驗倫敦”揭開了序幕。

Still , only 2 % of londoners cycle to work , compared with 20 % in copenhagen and 28 % in amsterdam . london mayor ken livingstone , a bicycle enthusiast , wants to increase cycling 80 % by 2010 但是,仍然只有2 %的倫敦人每天騎車上下班,這個數字在哥本哈根是20 % ,在阿姆斯特丹是28 % 。倫敦市長肯?里溫斯通也是一名自行車運動的愛好者,他希望到2010年騎自行車的比率可以增加80 % 。

The event , announced by the mayor of london ken livingstone , was set up to remember all of those who died in the attacks and to show london s defiance of those who try to change the character of the city through terror 其目的既是為了紀念在恐怖襲擊中遇難的人,同時還希望通過這次音樂會向那些妄想通過恐怖襲擊來改變這座城市的人表示倫敦的蔑視。

The group says livingstone has broken an agreement to allow them to feed the birds as part of a plan to eradicate them by a gradual reduction in feeding and to donate 3 , 000 pounds for the bird food 該團體說李文斯頓破壞一項允許他們喂鳥的協議,而這份協議乃是一項以逐步減少喂食方式根除?們與捐贈3 , 000英鎊買鳥飼料的計畫的一部份。

Pigeon lovers are set to take london mayor ken livingstone to court to force him to let them continue feeding the birds he calls “ flying rats “ in the capital ' s trafalgar square 愛鴿人士準備將倫敦市長李文斯頓告上法庭,以迫使他允許他們繼續在首都特拉法加廣場上喂食這些他稱為飛天老鼠的鳥兒。

But things didn ' t stop in beijing . livingstone ' s trip also took him to shanghai , where he signed an agreement with shanghai mayor han zheng to promote ties between their cities 但是北京并不是利文斯通之行的終點站,他還去了上海,并和上海市長韓正簽署了一項協議,以加強兩座城市之間的聯系。

London mayor ken livingstone said : “ i am very pleased that li yuchun is able to join london in launching the largest ever celebration of chinese culture to have been held in the city 倫敦市長利文斯敦說: “李宇春能來倫敦參加這次盛況空前的中國文化慶典活動,我感到十分的高興。

London mayor ken livingstone with mayor of beijing wang qishan and chairman of london 2012 organising committee sebastian coe open the london experience exhibition 倫敦市長肯利文斯,北京市長王岐山和倫敦2012奧組委主席塞巴斯丁珂與中國京劇藝術家們在體驗倫敦展覽揭幕儀式上。

“ cycling is the fastest , cheapest , most healthy and environmentally friendly way to get around london , and more and more people are taking it up , “ livingstone said by e - mail “在倫敦市內穿梭,騎自行車是最快最便宜最健康最環保的方法。越來越多的人開始嘗試騎自行車。

“ cycling is the fastest cheapest most healthy and environmentally friendly way to get around london and more and more people are taking it up “ livingstone said by e - mail “在倫敦市內穿梭,騎自行車是最快最便宜最健康最環保的方法。越來越多的人開始嘗試騎自行車。

Li yuchun has been invited to join london mayor ken livingstone in kicking off china in london , which includes over 100 events and exhibitions across the city 利文斯敦關于參加倫敦中國文化節開幕的邀請函。此次文化節將在全市范圍內展開,有超過100多項的活動和展出。

Under the london cycling action plan , livingstone envisions transforming london into a world - class cycling city to reduce congestion and pollution 根據倫敦自行車行動計劃,里溫斯通想要把倫敦改造稱一座世界級的自行車之都,這樣能減少交通堵塞和空氣污染。

Under the london cycling action plan livingstone envisions transforming london into a world - class cycling city to reduce congestion and pollution 根據倫敦自行車行動計劃,里溫斯通想要把倫敦改造稱一座世界級的自行車之都,這樣能減少交通堵塞和空氣污染。

With the mayor of london , ken livingstone , on a week - long tour of china from april 9 to april 14 , there was plenty of time for greater ties to be forged 從4月9日到14日,倫敦市長肯?利文斯通進行了為期一周的中國之行,兩國之間的聯系由此更加密切。

In april 2006 , london mayor ken livingstone and locog chairman sebastian coe visited beijing with a large delegation to forger greater ties with the 英國倫敦市市長肯利文斯通和倫敦奧組委主席塞巴斯蒂安科在代表團陪同下,

Livingstone d j , manallack d t , tekto i v . data modeling with neural networks : adventages and limitations [ j ] . comput aided mol design , 1997 ( 135 ) : 11 閻平凡,張長水.人工神經網絡與模擬進化計算[ m ] .北京:清華大學出版社, 2000