
livingston n.利文斯頓〔姓氏〕。


“ our services will be a world first and will place power in the hands of the viewer , “ said ian livingston , the chief executive of bt retail . “ no longer will customers be reliant on tv schedules . from next year , they will be able to watch what they like when they like . 英國電信公司表示,相信這種“互聯網電視”將徹底改變看電視的傳統模式,英國電信公司零售總經理利文斯通說: “我們是世界第一家推出‘互聯網電視’的公司,這項業務把選擇的權力交到了觀看者手中。

Co - education obtains in all state institutions , except in the alabama girls industrial school and the livingston state normal school , there are several schools for the higher education of negroes in addition to the three normal schools above noted , namely : talladega college , talladega ; alabama baptist normal and theological school , selma ; academic and industrial institute , kowaliga ; calhoun colored school , calhoun ; and normal industrial institute , snow hill 大學有三成學生住宿,宿位一律采取先到先得辦法分配,據學生說, new college是最佳的宿舍,但同學一定要獲選修讀榮譽學士課程,才有資格入住,大學每年4月1日便截止申請,前一兩年共有6245人投考,錄取率高達83 % ,不算難考取。

A new day seemed at hand in the spring of 2006 when they led phoenix , 3 - 1 , in the second round before the suns rallied , shaun livingston was hurt , chris kaman disappeared , and as if to answer the question , “ what else could happen ? 在2006年春太陽很沒重整旗鼓,快船第二輪3 : 1領先,一切看起來非常美好,但是利文斯頓受傷了,卡曼消失了,這么貌似可以回答這個問題“還要發生什么了? ”

In announcing the plans for china in london 2006 , ken livingston , the mayor of london said : “ china is the most dynamic economy in the world and london is the world s most international city 倫敦市長肯利文斯頓在宣布“ 2006中國在倫敦”計劃時表示: “中國目前是世界上經濟最具活力的國家,而倫敦則是全球國際性的大都市。

During a later telephone conversation with our fellow initiates , red cross official , ms . livingston , enthusiastically reported learning of our mutual goals of helping vicitms of disasters throughout the world 后來麗敏斯頓女士在跟同修電話連絡時,特別提及她很高興發現世界會關懷全球同胞的精神和紅十字會一致。

But victoria falls remained a secret to the rest of the world until 1855 , when scottish missionary david livingston discovered the majestic falls quite by accident , and he claimed it for his queen , victoria 直到1855年,蘇格蘭傳教士戴維?利文斯頓偶然地發現了這座雄偉的瀑布,并宣布瀑布為其女王維多利亞所有。

On a mission to locate his biological parents , a tightly wound professional ( livingston ) is befuddled to find that the couple who conceived him aren ' t exactly upper - class 在一次尋找他作為生物學家父母雙親的任務上,身心受到重創的利文斯頓發現她以前設想的父母親的身份不簡單,隱藏了重重內幕

But jonathan livingston seagull , unashamed , stretching his wings again in that trembling hard curve … slowing , slowing , and stalling once more … was no ordinary bird 但岳納珊不是平凡的海鷗,他并不感到羞愧,反而重新振翼,再彎成顫抖不穩的弧形? ?放慢速度、再放慢,又失速墜落。

As considered by margaret livingston , neurobiologist with harvard medical college of usa , the elusive mono lisa smile is the result of our eyes ' movement 美國哈佛醫學院的神經生物學家瑪格麗特?利文斯通認為,蒙娜麗莎微笑的時隱時現,是我們的眼睛運動的結果。

Hence , livingston jumps to a conclusion : the elusive mono lisa smile is purely a result of observer ' s sight moving on her face 由此,利文斯通得出結論:蒙娜麗莎的笑容時現時隱,完全是因為觀察者的視線在其臉上游動產生的效果。

Livingston wasn ' t here to find the set of falls , his main aim when coming to africa was to get rid of slavery and to bring the bible 利文斯頓本意并非來此尋找瀑布,他來非洲的主要目的是為了廢除這里的奴隸制并傳播《圣經》 。

A : very well , sir . hold the line and wait for a moment , please . the number of mr . john livingston is 202 - 6560 好的,先生。請稍等。約翰?李文斯頓先生的電話號碼是202 - 6560

Very well , sir . hold the line and wait for a moment , please . the number of mr . john livingston is 202 - 6560 好的,先生。請稍等。約翰?李文斯頓先生的電話號碼是202 - 6560

B : yes . i ' d like to know the number of mr . john livingston in belmont , massachusetts 我想知道住在馬薩諸塞州貝爾蒙特的約翰?李文斯頓先生的電話號碼。

Yes . i ' d like to know the number of mr . john livingston in belmont , massachusetts 我想知道住在馬薩諸塞州貝爾蒙特的約翰?李文斯頓先生的電話號碼。

If you are new to livingston huaxia chinese school , click here for new registration 如果你還沒有在李文斯頓中文學校注冊,點擊這里開始注冊。

By livingston ' s analysis , human eyes observe the world through two different zones 按照利文斯通的分析,人眼通過兩個不同的區域來觀察世界。

Henry brockholst livingston 亨利李文斯頓

Tanya livingston was talking animatedly with a group of passengers 坦妮亞?利文斯頓談笑風生地和一群旅客在一起說著話。