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living death 活受罪〔指生活境遇〕;活地獄。

living movie

Oh , adele will go to school - i have settled that already ; nor do i mean to torment you with the hideous associations and recollections of thornfield hall - this accursed place - this tent of achan - this insolent vault , offering the ghastliness of living death to the light of the open sky - this narrow stone hell , with its one real fiend , worse than a legion of such as we imagine “噢,阿黛勒要上學去我已作了安排。我也無意拿桑菲爾德府可怕的聯想和回憶來折磨你一這是個可詛咒的地方這個亞干的營帳這個傲慢的墓穴,向著明亮開闊的天空,顯現出生不如死的鬼相這個狹窄的石頭地獄,一個真正的魔鬼,抵得上我們想象中的一大批簡,你不要呆在這兒,我也不呆。

Your clutch is on his life , and you cause him to die daily a living death ; and still he knows you not 你玩弄他于你的股掌之上,讓他鎮日里備受死去活來之苦然而他對你竟依舊毫不了解。

Love is a sour deligeht , a sugar ' d grief , a living death , an everdying life 愛是一種酸澀的喜悅,一種甜蜜的痛苦,一種活著的死亡和一種永遠垂死的生命。

Exile was for him a living death 他遭流放是進了活地獄

If i , it ' s simply living death 如果是我,就像行尸走肉一樣了

Mr smith found the steaming jungle a living death 史密斯先生覺得,那濕熱的熱帶叢林簡直無法生活。

Fight , and i will release you from this living death 作戰,我會把你們從這半生不死中解脫出來

Exile was for him a living death . 他遭流放是進了活地獄。