
livid adj.1.鉛色的,青灰色的。2.(被打傷而呈現)青黑色...


I remember him as if it were yesterday , as he came plodding to the inn door , his sea - chest following behind him in a handbarrow ; a tall , strong , heavy , nut - brown man ; his tarry pigtail falling over the shoulders of his soiled blue coat ; his hands ragged and scarred , with black , broken nails ; and the sabre cut across one cheek , a dirty , livid white 我回想起他恍惚就在昨天,當他步履沉重地來到旅店門口時,他的航海用的大木箱擱在他身后的雙輪手推車上。這是個高大。強壯魁梧有著栗色皮膚的人,粘乎乎的辮子耷拉在臟兮兮的藍外套的肩部,粗糙的手上疤痕累累,指甲烏青而殘缺不全,一道骯臟的鉛灰色刀疤橫貫一側面頰。

When the procession stopped , this shadow was recognized as morrel , who , with his coat buttoned up to his throat , his face livid , and convulsively crushing his hat between his fingers , leaned against a tree , situated on an elevation commanding the mausoleum , so that none of the funeral details could escape his observation 當殯葬行列停下的時候,可以看清那個人是莫雷爾。黑色禮服的紐扣一直扣到頷下。他臉色蒼白,痙攣的手指緊緊地抓住帽子,站到一塊可以看清墳墓的高地上,斜靠在一棵樹上,看著入穴的每一個細節。

I looked on my cherished wishes , yesterday so blooming and glowing ; they lay stark , chill , livid corpses that could never revive . i looked at my love : that feeling which was my master s - which he had created ; it shivered in my heart , like a suffering child in a cold cradle ; sickness and anguish had seized it ; it could not seek mr . rochester s arms - it could not derive warmth from his breast 我觀察了自己所抱的希望,昨天還是那么繁茂,那么光彩照人,現在卻變得光禿禿寒顫顫鉛灰色了成了永遠無法復活的尸體,我審視著我的愛情,我主人的那種感情他所造成的感情,在我心里打著寒顫,象冰冷搖籃里的一個病孩,病痛已經纏身,卻又難以回到羅切斯特先生的懷抱無法從他的胸膛得到溫暖。

The same fellow , pulling the skin with his fingers , some special knack evidently , and he laughing at a yarn . and in point of fact the young man named antonio s livid face did actually look like forced smiling and the curious effect excited the unreserved admiration of everybody , including skin - the - goat who this time stretched over 其實,那個名叫安東尼奧的小伙子的蒼白臉上倒真像是露出了不自然的微笑,這一奇怪現象博得了在場的每一個人充分的贊賞,其中包括“剝山羊皮” 。

Monte cristo , in taking the seat morcerf offered him , placed himself in such a manner as to remain concealed in the shadow of the large velvet curtains , and read on the careworn and livid features of the count a whole history of secret griefs written in each wrinkle time had planted there 基督山在馬爾塞夫指給他的那個座位上坐了下來,他坐的姿勢恰巧使自己隱藏在了在鵝絨大窗簾的陰影里,在那兒,他從伯爵那張勞累憂慮的臉上,看到了時間用一條條皺紋記錄下的一個人的全部內心隱痛。

Although of a paleness that was almost livid , this man had a remarkably handsome face ; his eyes were penetrating and sparkling ; his nose , quite straight , and projecting direct from the brow , was of the pure greek type , while his teeth , as white as pearls , were set off to admiration by the black mustache that encircled them 雖然他的臉色蒼白得象死人,但這個人的臉實在是很漂亮他的眼睛閃閃發光,象是具有穿透力似的鼻梁筆直,幾乎和額頭平,純粹的希臘型鼻子他的牙潔白得象珍珠,排列得很整美觀,嘴上是一圈黑胡須。

I should have said so , perhaps , but a livid , vivid spark leapt out of a cloud at which i was looking , and there was a crack , a crash , and a close rattling peal ; and i thought only of hiding my dazzled eyes against mr . rochester s shoulder 也許我應該這么說出來,可是從我正仰望著的云層里,竄出了一道鉛灰色的閃電,隨后是喀啦啦一聲霹靂和近處的一陣隆隆聲。我只想把自己發花的眼睛貼在羅切斯特先生的肩膀上。

Whereupon the two men had desisted from their farce , had sprung at one another s throats , their faces livid with hate , and were now rolling over and over behind a set of side lights , pounding away at each other as though they weren t breakable 于是兩人翻了臉,個個臉色鐵青,滿腔怒火,互相撲向對方,抓住脖下的衣服,扭打起來。接著兩人在一根布景撐架后邊的地上滾打著,并互相謾罵對方是拉皮條的家伙。

A childhood terror paralyzed me on the spot , and my mouth filled with a livid saliva , but i walked with my mother into the crowded space that once had been the pharmacy ' s laboratory , and had been outfitted as an emergency bedroom 一種兒時的恐懼頓時充斥我的全身,我嘴里涌出大量紫色的口水,但我不得不跟著我媽走到那個隔板后面,那兒曾經是這個藥房的實驗室,后來還曾被改作臨時臥室。

These pictures were in water - colours . the first represented clouds low and livid , rolling over a swollen sea : all the distance was in eclipse ; so , too , was the foreground ; or rather , the nearest billows , for there was no land 第一張畫的是,低垂的鉛色云塊,在波濤洶涌的海面上翻滾,遠處的一切黯然無光,畫面的前景也是如此,或者不如說,靠得最近的波濤是這樣,因為畫中沒高陸地。

S looked in fear and wonder at the livid countenance of faria , whose eyes , already dull and sunken , were surrounded by purple circles , while his lips were white as those of a corpse , and his very hair seemed to stand on end 唐太斯驚恐地望著面無人色的法利亞,法利亞眼睛的四周現出了一圈青黑色,嘴唇發白,頭發豎起,他驚呆了,握在手里的鑿子一下子落到了地上。

A flood of daylight entered . zoe , a dark brunette with hair in little plaits , had a long canine face , at once livid and full of seams , a snub nose , thick lips and two black eyes in continual movement 佐愛長著一頭深棕色的頭發,頭上扎著許多小頭帶,一副長長的臉,嘴巴長得像狗,臉色蒼白,臉上有條長長的疤痕,扁鼻子,厚嘴唇,兩只黑眼睛滴溜溜轉個不停。

And at this moment there was a tremendous peal of thunder , while the livid lightning illumined the room , and the thunder , rolling away in the distance , seemed to withdraw unwillingly from the cursed abode 正當這個時候,他們聽到了一連串轟隆隆的雷聲,銀白色的閃電照亮了房間,然后,那雷聲漸漸地遠去了,似乎有點不情愿離開這該詛咒的房子似的。

At length a slight color tinged the livid cheeks , consciousness returned to the dull , open eyeballs , a faint sigh issued from the lips , and the sufferer made a feeble effort to move 終于那鐵青色的臉頰上出現了一絲紅暈,知覺又回到了那雙遲鈍的張開著的眼睛上,一聲輕微的嘆息從嘴里發了出來,病人有氣無力地掙扎了一下,想動一下他的身體。

According to the head of a hedge fund that does a lot of business with large banks , their lending desks are now being stripped of risk - management responsibilities by livid chief executives 根據與大銀行有著密切業務往來的一家對沖基金主管稱,執行總裁氣急敗壞,他們借貸部的風險管理職能正在降低。

Some parents are understandably livid : they paid for a service ( albeit indirectly ) and suddenly discover it ' s being handed out like a raffle prize 一些家長對此怒不可遏是可以理解的:他們為服務付費(盡管是通過間接的方式) ,卻突然發現這種服務要以類似抓鬮的方法來進行分配。

The woman , especially , was hideous ; her usual feverish tremulousness was intensified , her countenance had become livid , and her eyes resembled burning coals 那女的尤其可怕,她本來就因為發燒一天到晚都在索索地發抖,這時抖得更厲害了,她的臉變成了鉛白色,眼睛象熾熱的煤炭。

As wim wenders once put it : “ when people think they ' ve seen enough of something , but there ' s more , and no change of shot , then they react in a curiously livid way 文德斯說:當人們覺得他們已經看夠這個了,但還有更多,鏡頭沒有變化,人們就會有一種令我好奇地震驚的反應。

Morrel looked attentively on villefort . his face was livid , large drops rolled down his face , and in his fingers he held the fragments of a quill pen which he had torn to atoms 莫雷爾注意到維爾福臉色青白大滴汗珠從他的臉頰上滾下他的手里的一支筆已經捏碎了。