
livery 短語和例子livery1adj.1.像肝的。2.有肝病征...

livery coach

The commemorative ticket set , featuring the original livery of the phase 1 light rail vehicles ( lrvs ) , will be available for sale from 30 october ( monday ) at all light rail customer services centres , east rail ticket offices and 47 daily shops 星期一)起,在所有輕鐵客務中心、東鐵票務處及四十七間地利店發售。

2012 thameslink service arrives at st pancras london 2012 s high - profile advertising campaign has been boosted by the launch of a train branded with the bid s distinctive colourful livery 一列用代表本次奧運申辦活動的亮麗顏色妝扮起來的列車的緩緩啟動,宣告了倫敦2012年奧林匹克申辦委員會的一次大張旗鼓的宣傳攻勢的開始。

The new corporate identity features new livery for front - line staff , post boxes and vehicles . the “ hummingbird “ logo conveys the image of a friendly fast - moving and busy organization 推出全新機構形象,包括更換前線員工制服、郵箱及郵車等;新選用的蜂鳥標志,象徵香港郵政親切友善、處事快捷、效率卓越。

And i got to see many rich people dressed in their finest livery , admiring the dazzling jewels adorning the many tall thin models , planning their next buy 不過,這個派對真的很酷,還有我看到許多有錢人穿著他們很名貴的衣著、身上有很多耀眼珠寶且又高又瘦的模特兒們,正在打算著他們的下一件珠寶要買什么。

Our new corporate identity features new livery for front - line staff , post boxes and vehicles . the “ hummingbird “ logo conveys the image of a friendly fast - moving and busy organisation 推出全新機構形象,包括更換前線員工制服、郵箱及郵車等;新選用的蜂鳥標志,象徵香港郵政親切友善、處事快捷、效率卓越

They had gone but a few blocks when a livery stable sign in one of the side streets solved the difficulty for him . he would take her to drive along the new boulevard 不過他們還沒走過幾條馬路,就在一條橫馬路上看見一家出租馬車的招牌,這給他解決了難題:他要帶她坐馬車逛逛新的林蔭大道。

Then , the demand and production planning and marketing departments worked closely together to run down the old livery packaging and filled stock in time for the new livery to appear 此后,負責市場需求,生產計劃和營銷的各部門緊密協作盤點老的商品包裝,及時補充庫存,以備新包裝問市。

The school provides a wide variety of activities , such as group training classes , horse riding , taking a horse at livery , visits and riding competitions , etc . to promote the equestrian sport 學校舉辦多元化的活動如小組訓練班、租馬練習、領養馬匹、參觀及比賽等,以推動馬術運動。

It was opened by another footman in livery , with a round face , and large eyes like a frog ; and both footmen , alice noticed , had powdered hair that curled all over their heads 另一個穿著制服,長著圓臉龐和像青蛙一樣大眼睛的仆人開了門,愛麗絲注意到這兩個仆人,都戴著涂了脂的假發。

As natasha walked beside her mother , behind a footman in livery , who made way for them through the crowd , she heard the voice of some young man speaking in too loud a whisper about her 娜塔莎陪伴著母親,跟著一個穿制服的仆人穿過人群的時候,聽見一個年輕人用過高的耳語聲談論她:

London 2012 s high - profile advertising campaign has been boosted by the launch of a train branded with the bid s distinctive colourful livery 一列用代表本次奧運申辦活動的亮麗顏色妝扮起來的列車的緩緩啟動,宣告了倫敦2012年奧林匹克申辦委員會的一次大張旗鼓的宣傳攻勢的開始。

The new car is on average 20 kg lighter than its predecessor and boasts a lower centre of gravity , a completely new aerodynamics package , an aluminium gearbox and a striking new livery 新賽車比它的前輩平均輕了20公斤,自夸擁有更低的重力中心、鋁制變速箱以及驚人的新外殼。

In her right hand a huge book of hours shone in the sunlight , and very slowly she crossed the square , followed some fifteen paces off by a footman in livery 她的右手拿著一本厚厚的祈禱書,書面在陽光下閃閃發光。她慢悠悠地穿過廣場,離她十五步遠,跟著一個身穿制服的聽差。

Elizabeth , immediately recognising the livery , guessed what it meant , and imparted no small degree of surprise to her relations by acquainting them with the honour which she expected 伊麗莎白立刻就認出了馬車夫的號衣,心里有了數,于是告訴舅父母說,她就要有貴客光臨。

Friday 5 january at 08 : 58 : renault ' s new logo features the colours dark blue , orange and yellow , in a possible hint about the world champions ' formula one livery for 2007 雷諾新商標的顏色由深藍,橙色和黃色組成,這可能對冠軍車隊在2007賽季的新車身圖裝有些暗示作用。

O mark the completion of its livery renewal project for phase 1 and phase 2 vehicles , kcr light rail has issued the first compact disc ( cd ) format commemorative ticket in hong kong 為紀念第一期及第二期輕鐵列車完成換上新裝,九廣輕鐵發行了香港首張光碟紀念車票。

The stock rundown also put huge pressure on manufacturing and labelling , who had to build up new livery stock whilst maintaining productivity for all other brands 庫存盤點也給生產及粘貼工作帶來巨大壓力,他們必須在保證其它商標生產效率的同時為新包裝庫存做好準備。

“ i have an engagement with a pretty little girl for this evening , and do not wish to be known ; lend me your livery till to - morrow . i may sleep , perhaps , at an inn . 把你那套制服借給我用一下,你的證件也拿來,假如需要的話,我就可以在一家客棧里過夜了。 ”

The cea will promote and recommend a riding club to the riding public , competitors and livery owners if it displays a chs accreditation badge 如果某馬術俱樂部獲得了chs認證的標牌,即表明中國馬術協會就會向熱愛騎馬的大眾,運動員和馬主推薦該馬術俱樂部。