
liverwort 【植物;植物學】歐龍牙草。


Probably you have visited the peak many times before . but , do you know that there are many interesting and important historical and ecological features of hong kong there v the mountain lodge , victory city boundary stone , pinewood battery , hong kong camellia , black kite , the tiny but fascinating mosses , liverworts and ferns creeping on the rocks and tree trunks . . 山頂可能是一處你曾經多次到訪的地方,但你可有留意這里多姿多采的文化及自然資源-舊港督別墅維多利亞城界石松林炮堡香港茶麻鷹攀爬在石塊及樹干上細小但異常吸引的苔蘚及蕨類植物

Like thallose liverworts , the hornworts have an alternation of generations in which the gametophyte is a dorsiventral flattened green phallus and the saprophyte is an upright structure that has a foot embedded in the gametophytes , from which it draws nutrition 與葉狀體植物地錢一樣,角苔具有明顯的世代交替, ,配子體在世代交替中占優勢,孢子體占劣勢且利用其基足插入配子體的組織中吸取養料,以供孢子體生長。

The liverworts divides into three types in the nature reserve , obligate , commonly facultative and occasionally facultative types and the commonly facuhative type is dominant totaling 26 species and accounting for 60 . 4 % of all the species in the reserve 保護區內葉附生苔類植物可以分成3種類型:專性、兼性常見和兼性偶見,其中兼性常見類型種類占有絕對優勢,共有26種,占其總種數的60 . 47 % 。

Hepatophyta ( marchantiopsida ; liverworts ) a phylum containing leafy and prostrate thallose forms , commonly known as liverworts , thallose liverworts are prostrate and dichotomously branched with thalli several cells thick 苔類植物門(地錢綱,苔類) :是一門包括多葉的或匍匐葉狀體類型的植物,如通常所說的苔類。

Sporogonium the sporophyte generation in mosses and liverworts . it develops from the zygote and comprises the foot , seta , and capsule . the sporogonium is parasitic on the gametophyte generation 孢子體:為苔蘚和地錢的孢子體世代具有。由受精卵發育而來,包括基足、柄和孢蒴。孢子體是寄生在配子體上的。

In bryophytes ( mosses , liverworts and horworts ) the haploid gametophyte is the dominant phase of the life cycle and the sporophyte is represented only by the capsule , seta , and foot 在苔蘚類植物中(苔蘚,地錢,金魚藻)單倍的配子體占生活史的主要部分,孢子體包括孢蒴、蒴柄和基足。

The paper reported the study of the types and flora of liverworts in the daweishan nature reserve of yunnan province by field surveying and data refereeing 摘要通過野外調查和文獻考證,報道了云南大圍山自然保護區葉附生苔類植物的類型及區系組成特點。

Formerly , the bryophyta also included the liverworts and hornworts , which in the five kingdoms classification are now placed in separate phyla ( hepatophyta and anthocerophyta ) 孢子萌發產生一個絲狀的單倍體,將來可以發育為芽體,進而形成整個植株。

Tracheophyte ( tracheophyta ) any plant with a differentiated vascular system ; i . e . all plants except the liverworts , mosses , and hornworts 維管植物:任何具有分化成為維管系統的植物。即除了地錢、蘚類和角苔以外的所有植物。

The study reveals that there are 43 species of liverworts in the nature reserve , which belongs to four families and 11 genera 研究結果表明,大圍山自然保護區共有葉附生苔類植物43種,隸屬于4科11屬。

There are five orders of liverworts , including the metzgeriales , e . g . pellia , and the marchantiales , e . g 葉狀體苔類匍匐生長,叉狀分枝,葉狀體上個別細胞加厚。

The paper also presents the detailed catalogue of the epiphyllous liverworts in the reserve 并整理出了保護區內葉附生苔類植物的詳細名錄。

A study on the epiphyllous liverworts from matoushan nature reserve of jiangxi province , china 江西馬頭山自然保護區葉附生苔類植物研究

The collective name for mosses , liverworts , and hornworts is bryophytes 以前苔蘚植物還包括一些現在已經被五界系統歸為藻類的植物。

A liverwort species of genus horikawaella hepati cae is found in china 中國疣葉苔屬一新記錄種

Milkworth and liverwort starred the green slope . 綠草坡上的望志草和地錢苔星星點點開著花。