
liverpudlian adj.,n.利物浦的(人)。


Of the four young liverpudlians whose music had such an influence on popular culture in the 1960 s only two now survive . paul mccartney first met george harrison at school 這四個年輕的利物浦青年的音樂曾對二十世紀六十年代的流行文化造成巨大影響,如今,卻只有兩人依然健在。

Three goals in a frantic five - minute second half spell sent liverpudlians everywhere wild with delight and must have thrilled television viewers across the world 在5分鐘內連進三球讓所有在場的利物浦球迷欣喜若狂,也必然讓每一個在電視機前的觀眾為之一振。

Four saucy, charming liverpudlians with the unlikely title of the “beatles“ were causing their music and a cult dubbed “beatlemania“ to sweep the world . 四個俊俏的頗具魅力的利物浦人,為他們的爵士樂隊取了個不討人喜歡的名字“披頭士”,這使他們的音樂以及渾號叫作“披頭士狂”的崇拜熱風行世界。