
liverpool n.利物浦〔英國港市〕。


Liverpool were in a jubilant mood after their cup victory 利物浦隊奪得優勝杯后喜氣洋洋

He didn ' t have to convince me to come here . it ' s liverpool 他不用說什么。這可是利物浦。

What have liverpool and a three pin plug got in common 利物浦和三孔插頭有什么共同之處?

I have had a talk with djimi . he is staying at liverpool 霍:我跟他談過了,他會留下來。

Liverpool were in a jubilant mood after their cup victory 利物浦隊奪得優勝杯喜氣洋洋

Which liverpool players do you have in your mobile phone 你有哪些利物浦球員的手機號碼?

Liverpool ' s defender is tackling thomas 利物浦隊的防守正在攔截托馬斯。

Comparing couples the team , from the universities of liverpool , 不同的夫妻之間進行對比

And how did you find life after liverpool 離開利物浦后的生活是什么樣的

“ i have always loved watching liverpool play “我總是喜歡看紅軍的比賽。

Chelsea , unlike liverpool , received no yellow cards 切爾西不像利物浦,我們沒有黃牌。

Liverpool can go for a win in front of the kop 利物浦也可以在考普看臺前爭取一場勝利。

Liverpool football club in friendly match 利物浦訪港與港隊進行一場友誼賽

Anything less than that for a club like liverpool isn ' t 利物浦這球會不會要求更低的。

Milan and liverpool gave it away all the time 可米蘭和利物浦卻老是失誤。

Liverpool has a certain similarity to marseilles 利物浦和馬賽有某種相像。

The liverpool of today is a changed city 今天的利物浦已經發生了巨大變化。

First goal : may 6 , 1997 for liverpool against wimbledon 位置:突前前鋒歐文的精典時刻

For this steamer , liverpool is not a port of call 利物浦不是這條船的中途停靠口岸。