
liverish adj.1.肝色的。2.有肝病的。3.脾氣壞的,易怒的。


Above all , ask you to loosen your mood , having liverish person is not active anger , because hepatic itself is an alexipharmic place , the alexipharmic function that has liverish person liver originally is poor , you enrage it all one ' s life more diseases with such symptoms as coastal pain was accumulated more , with respect to meeting discovery liver bilges gas is burning sad fierce , the alexipharmic burden of aggravating instead liver , this is why you often discover abdomen will be indistinct recently the feeling is painful , be just like a sewer , sewer inchoate moment very connect , slowly with long finish discovers dredge worse and worse , this is hepatic never disease changes to sick silt , want to maintain permanent dredge so , after that makes liver had trouble already namely , also want little be anxious , little life , consider some of happy issue more , such ability reduce the amount that accumulates more , what ability makes liver good is fast 首先,請你放松自己的心情,有肝病的人是不能動怒的,因為肝臟本身就是一個解毒場所,本來有肝病的人肝的解毒功能就差,你一生氣它就更肝氣愈積了,就會發現肝脹氣火辣辣的難過的厲害,反而加重肝臟的解毒負擔,這就是為什么你最近老發現肚子會隱隱約約感覺痛,就好比一個下水道,下水道剛開始的時候都很通的,慢慢的用久了卻發現疏通越來越差,這就是肝臟從沒病到有病的淤變,所以想保持永久的疏通,那就是既使肝有了毛病后也要少發愁,少生氣,多想些愉快的事情,這樣才能減少愈積的量,才能讓肝臟好的快。

Its degree spends tired feeling gently to come oneself serious and lack of power , lack of power degree and liverish activity level are consistent 其程度自輕度倦怠感覺至嚴重乏力,乏力程度與肝病的活動程度一致。

If be in that way word , had liverish word excuse me , how should do again 假如是那樣的話,請問患了肝病的話,又該怎么辦?