
liveried adj.穿特殊制服的,穿號衣的。


Press reports and photographs from the straight - line test at a private airfield in menorca on wednesday indicate that mclaren ' s chrome - liveried car has indeed been slightly tweaked ; with detailed changes mainly to the rear wing , sidepod chimneys and barge boards 一些媒體和攝象記者認為麥克拉倫的銀色涂裝有些折皺,另外尾翼,側箱的進風口的細節上都有些改變

Who would not suffer amid perfumed tapestries , cushioned furniture , and liveried servants ? grief under such circumstances becomes an enticing thing . carrie longed to be of it 誰不愿意在散發著香味的掛毯鋪有座墊的家具和身穿制服的仆人之間受苦呢?

Nwfb “ 1st anniversary special “ liveried dennis dart model bus 2028 隨模型附送都市巴士迷俱樂部2002年度個人香港會籍乙個

Nwfb “ snake bus of bliss “ liveried dennis trident model bus 1028 巴士模型可以小鑰匙內附拆開及重組

As liveried footmen swung double doors open, the queen appeared . 穿著制服的侍從推開兩扇大門,女王出現了。