
liver n.1.【解剖學】肝臟。2.(食用)肝。3.赤褐色。短語...

liver colour

Treatment of peptic ulcer viewing from liver meridian aspect 消化性潰瘍從肝論治

The relation between liver diseases and trace elements 肝臟疾病與礦物元素的關系

Recent advances on chemoprevention studies of liver cancer 肝癌化學預防研究進展

This is the inner significance of liver - calming 這就是平肝作用的內在重要意義。

At the right are seen several infarcts of the liver 圖中右側見多個肝臟梗死灶。

Liver damage by acute mercury poisoning - a case report 急性汞中毒肝臟損害1例報告

The system of blood vessels that carries all blood received from the intestines through the liver before passing it to the general circulation is called the hepatic portal system . 攜帶從腸收集來的全部血液入肝(即全身循環)之前的血管系統稱做肝門脈系。

It is especially important to have a high level of vitamin a liver storage in the event that young chicks contract a severe case of coccidiosis . 當幼雛患嚴重球蟲病的情況下,高水平的維生素A肝貯量是特別重要的。

“that shows how much you don't know,“ yossarian bluffed, and told doc daneeka about the troublesome pain in his liver . “這說明你多么沒有知識,”猶索林虛張聲勢地說,然后告訴丹尼卡醫生他的肝臟給他帶來的疼痛。

When the mosquito bites, it releases the sporozoites, which enter human liver cells through the bloodstream and reproduce asexually . 蚊蟲叮咬人的時候就釋放出子孢子,它通過血流進入肝細胞,并且進行無性生殖。

It is a poisonous deadly contagion mingling with the blood, whose center or fountain is in the liver . 這是一種致命的毒液和身里的血混在一起的疾病,這種毒液集中的地方,或者總源就是肝。

The enzymes prepared from pea, rat liver and bovine brain were composed of fewer subunits than the microbial enzymes . 從豌豆、鼠肝和牛腦制備的酶比微生物中的酶包含的亞基少。

There are also receptors for other residues on the carbohydrate side chains, both in liver and other organs . 無論是肝或是其它器官中,還存在碳水化合物側鏈的其它殘基的受體。

Other diseases brought on by alcholism, such as liver disease and pneumonia, must be looked for and treated . 因酒精中毒而帶來的其它疾病、例如肝病和肺炎,必須診察和治療。

There is no evidence that the exo-erythrocytic stages in the liver produce any significant degree of immunity . 并無證據證明在肝內的紅細胞外期,可產生任何有效程度的免役。

The stem cells of lymphocytes are in the liver in fetal development and in the bone marrow in postnatal life . 淋巴細胞的干細胞,在胎生期來自肝臟,出生后則由骨髓產生。

Those workers discuss the evidence for and against several models for micro body biogenesis in rat liver . 這些研究者討論贊成和反對鼠肝微體生物發生的幾種模式的證據。

An overload of ethanol over a long period of time produces fatty liver, a degeneration of liver tissue . 過量的乙醇,經長時間積累,將使肝組織退化而產生脂肪肝。

Activation of lymphocytes and liver regeneration both involve perinuclear clustering of lysosmes . 淋巴細胞的激活以及肝臟的再生都與溶酶體在核周的集聚有關。