
liven vt.,vi.(使)活躍起來,(使)愉快;變得愉快;振奮...


“ the organising committee and all members of the various standing committee had committed whole - heartedly to achieve an exciting , memorable and livening philatelic event to all participants . every contribution was made to make hk 2001 a great event , “ said mr p c luk , postmaster general and president of hong kong 2001 organising committee 香港郵政暑長兼香港2001郵展籌辦妥員會會長陸炳泉先生表示:籌委會確實全力以赴,帶給參觀者精彩難忘而又別開生面的活動。

“ the organising committee and all members of the various standing committee had committed whole - heartedly to achieve an exciting , memorable and livening philatelic event to all participants . every contribution was made to make hk 2001 a great event , “ said mr p c luk , postmaster general and president of hong kong 2001 organising committee 香港郵政暑長兼香港2001郵展籌辦妥員會會長陸炳泉先生表示:籌委會確實全力以赴,帶給參觀者精彩難忘而又別開生面的活動。

The result of the research shows that the application of information technology to the biology teaching in the middle school should observe five basic principles , which include combining , effective , cooperative , independent and assistant principle , and it has four basic methods , that is , presentation and analysis of knowledge points , inducing and constructing knowledge system , presentation and extension of studying process , consolidating and self - examination . besides , it has three modes , which contain issue livening and guiding , participant and probing , cooperating and probing . and when we appraise the effect of its application , we must be formative , intended , objective , consistency , comprehensive , feasible and scientific 研究認為信息技術在中學生物教學中的運用,應遵循五項基本原則即整合性原則、實效性原則、協助性原則、自主性原則、協作性原則;具體運用的基本方法有四項即學科知識點的呈現與解析、學科知識體系的歸納與建構、學習過程的展現與延伸、學習鞏固與問題反思;信息技術在中學生物教學中運用有三種模式即問題情景化引導式教學模式、參與式探究性教學模式、協作式探究性學習教學模式;對運用效果的評價應遵循六項原則即形成性評價原則、目的性原則、客觀性原則、一致性原則、全面性原則、科學性與可行性相結合的原則。

The audience was dazzled by rich doses of melodramatic realist , martial arts , comedy , and cantonese opera films , to name but a few . for the first time , the monotonous black and white screen was livening up by the emergence of 3 - d , scope and colour films 倫理寫實片、武俠片、喜劇、粵曲歌唱片… …令人目不暇給;而立體電影、闊銀幕電影和彩色片的出現,亦令當時以黑白電影為主的電影世界更形繽紛有趣。

The audience was dazzled by rich doses of melodramatic realist , martial arts , comedy , and cantonese opera films , to name but a few . for the first time , the monotonous black and white screen was livening up by the emergence of 3 - d , scope and colour films 倫理寫實片武俠片喜劇粵曲歌唱片令人目不暇給而立體電影闊銀幕電影和彩色片的出現,亦令當時以黑白電影為主的電影世界更形繽紛有趣。

Hillsdale is a great town in michigan of about 7 , 500 people and the town is depressed a little , so this one high school senior decided to see what he could do to liven the town up a little bit , so he decided to run against the incumbent mayor who is well liked 大學他有一個意念,他感到鎮里了無生氣,一片沮喪,他能做甚么呢?他想必定能做點甚么他打算參選,參與角逐州長,他只得

From 7pm , the area really starts to liven up as workers arrive to shop and dine on their way home , and merchants , under hissing gas lamps and swaying electric light bulbs , ply their wares 每年圣誕節,香港的大型購物商場名店和大型百貨公司都會推出特惠貨品和折扣優惠,讓顧客在林林總總的商品中選購心頭所愛。

You may not find any of these specific examples applicable , but i am confident you will find ways to use this simple technique to liven up your build process 您也許會覺得每個特定的例子對您都沒有什么用處,但是我相信您可以找到自己的辦法,用這樣一種簡單的技術使您的構建過程充滿活力。

So colleges need to consider offering courses that cater to student interests and needs . and the teachers should revise their teaching methods to liven things up 所以大學生需要審視那些為迎合學生興趣和需要的各種課程。教師則應該改進他們的授課方式而使課堂生動活潑起來。

Understanding and tolerant , they can be helpful in any situation . they usually liven up any social gathering with their ideas and verbal facility 善解人意和容忍大度的他們樂于助人,通常以他們的思維和口才活躍于任何社交活動。

The author holds that these country fairs play a positive role in livening up rural markets in ethnic areas and flourishing commodity economy 文章從歷史學的角度對近代以來右江流域圩市發展狀況、成因及其局限性作了初步探討。

Lisa : well , nothing too crazy , i like the cut as it is but i wouldn ' t mind livening up the colour a bit 利薩:嗯,不想做什么夸張的造型,我想在原有基礎上再修一修,不過我倒不介意你把我的頭發顏色弄得再亮一點。

To liven up our namespace , we ll now write a simple program to put something into it , illustrated in listing 2 為了豐富我們的名稱空間,我們現在將編寫一個簡單的程序以在它里面放一些內容,如清單2所示:

Friends home from college were constantly coming and going , and livened up the waiting . “ what ' s the password ? “ said zachary 家中和學校的朋友探望者不斷,他在等待中慢慢愉悅起來。 “什么是口令?

Liven up your floor a bit with these great small rugs ! small tatami mat costs 3 credits 讓這張小地毯令你的地板看起來比較有生氣。小型的塌塌米價值3哈幣。

Liven up your floor a bit with these great large rugs ! large tatami mat costs 4 credits 讓這張大地毯令你的地板看起來比較有生氣。大型的塌塌米價值4哈幣。

Freshen liven up anything from the kitchen , car , closet , clothes and even the bad smelling shoes 數不清的味道聚集香氣可凈化廚房的空氣還能防止細菌生長

My goal is to promote female tonzhi cultural education and to expand and liven up our living 現在香港女同盟扎根推動教育及文化藝術為未來的同志路鋪路

Her interests are to liven up the educational and cultural aspects in our tongzhi community 香港女同盟大家庭之中,興趣為教育及文化藝術范圍努力。