
lively adj.1.活潑的,精神旺盛的,充滿生氣的;愉快的,活躍...


After breakfast, my sister lou and i had our usual lively quarrel over whose turn it was to wash dishes . 早餐后,我和璐姐像平日一樣爭辯該輪到誰洗碗的事。

I remember dining in a small company when very lively and continuous raids were going on . 我記得,在一次連續不斷的猛烈空襲中,我和幾個朋友正在吃晚飯。

My pupil was a lively child, who had been spoilt and indulged, and therefore was sometimes wayward . 我的學生是個活潑的孩子,嬌生慣養,所以有時候任性。

Mrs harling gave us a lively account of ambrosch's behavior throughout the interview . 哈林太太繪聲繪色地向我們講述了他們交談中安布羅希的一舉一動。

A lively sense of looking ahead was a part of the american spirit from the beginning . 充滿活力的瞻望前途,從開始就是美國精神的一部分。

He had a lively discernment of injustice toward other men and toward himself . 他很敏感,別人和自己只要待遇上有一點不公,他都看在眼里。

He still pictured her as buxom, high-colored, lively and a little blowsy . 他心中仍舊認為她身材豐滿、面色紅潤、生氣勃勃、還有點邋遢。

We must not expect a lively young man to be always so guarded and circumspect . 我們決不可能指望一個生龍活虎的青年會始終小心周到。

Mrs. farebrother welcomed the guest with a lively formality and precision . 費厄布拉澤太太興致勃勃,很有禮貌,不亢不卑地接待客人。

The students were in the midst of a lively discussion when the teacher came in . 正當同學們熱烈討論的時候,老師進來了。

Their lively spirits were contagious, and tess became almost gay . 她們那種活潑的精神把苔絲也感染了所以她幾乎快活起來。

Usually there is lively chatter before the evening's diversion . 通常在晚上娛樂之前,總有一陣很活躍的嘰嘰喳喳的談話。

Usually there is lively chatter before the evening's diversion . 在晚上娛樂之前,通常總有一陣很活躍的嘰嘰喳喳的談話。

She's lively . 她性情活潑。

She and amy had many lively skirmishes in the course of their lives . 她跟阿蜜以往發生過不少驚心動魄的沖突。

She was a lively young woman with patience and imagination . 她是一位富于耐心和想象力的生氣勃勃年輕婦女。

The clock paradox has occasioned lively controversy for over 50 years . 時鐘疑題曾經歷了50年的激烈爭論。

The breeze was lively . 微風習習。

The socialist emulation drive in our factory is really lively . 咱們廠的社會主義勞動競賽搞得真熱火。