
liveliness n.活潑,快活,熱鬧,繁華;生動,鮮明;強烈。 a ce...


Fellow initiates blended the essence of traditional and modern dance into their performance , guiding the audience through various eras in chinese history . their tender and elegant traditional folk dance , together with youthful and dynamic modern dance movements , demonstrated the liveliness , open - heartedness , and spiritual creativity of the quan yin practitioners 活動當天,同修們融合古典與現代的精湛演出,將現場來賓帶入時光的回廊溫柔典雅的民族舞蹈以及洋溢青春活力的現代歌舞,充分展現了觀音修行者活潑開朗充滿靈性創意的一面。

After the evening meditation session during a two - day retreat , i went to the painting exhibition area , which was illuminated by the harmonious radiance of spotlights and master s longevity lamps . each of master s paintings and lamps shone with exceptional beauty and gentle liveliness , further enhanced by master s music playing in the background ; i rejoiced in the atmosphere 有一次禪二期間,晚上打坐后我來到復制畫的展示區,當時在投射燈和萬歲燈的交相輝映下,師父的每幅畫和每盞燈飾都顯得好柔美好特別,彷佛具有生命一般,加上現場播放師父的演奏曲,不禁令人陶醉其中。

Guided by the facilitators , trainees were engaged in five exemplar practices , namely , self psychological testing , comparison between traditional instructional method teacher and participatory instructional method facilitator , performing farmers training activities through participatory methods , trainees self - portrait and farmers participatory needs assessment . they also played various games , like group - based card playing , the small car game , frog - leaping and message transmission . the atmosphere of teaching and learning was featured by liveliness , harmony and collaboration 學員們則在輔導員的指導下開展了自我心理測試傳統式教學方法老師與參與式教學方法輔導員比較利用參與式方法開展農民培訓活動學員自畫像和農民參與式需求評估五項實例實習,并進行了分組出牌小汽車蛙跳和傳遞信息等游戲,教與學氣氛熱烈融洽配合默契,學員積極熱情輔導員認真負責,培訓效果良好,達到了預期的培訓效果。

In terms of the goals to be achieved , seven principles have to be kept to for the school - based curriculum development in northwest minority regions , they are : localization , wholeness , gradation , liveliness , workability , human - orientation and practicability . under the guidance of these seven principles , the goal framework for the school - based curriculum development in the northwest minority regions can be established like this : f 與“目標模式”所謂的目標不同,這種目標始終是在課程的開發過程中計劃的,而不是在課程開發之前決定好的,它是在教育活動中,即在課程實現目標的過程中制定的,因此目標的制定與活動的過程密切相關,隨著活動的進行,目標也在變化,它并不是固定的、靜止的,因而相對于目標來說,課程開發過程是重要的。

It was an union that must have been to the advantage of both ; by her ease and liveliness , his mind might have been softened , his manners improved , and from his judgment , information , and knowledge of the world , she must have received benefit of greater importance 縱使他的見解,他的脾氣,和她自己不是一模一樣,可是一定能夠叫她稱心如意。這個結合對雙方都有好處:女方從容活潑,可以把男方陶治得心境柔和,作風優雅男方精明通達,閱歷頗深,也一定會使女方得到莫大的裨益。

Curriculum resource are ample ; have such features as abundance , openness , discrepancy , liveliness and many qualities . the thesis surveys several faults ideas in present the critical circle and practical layers when they realize and practice the curriculum resource . the thesis also classifies the curriculum resource from many angles and teaching - layers and system of curriculum resource . the thesis advocate that the value orientation of curriculum resource development is to make each school of various places reach the national curriculum standard level to fully degree , make the local education and schools more characteristics , and students more personalization 為此,對課程資源開發中的理念問題進行了闡釋:課程資源是豐富的,其具有豐富性、開放性、差異性、多質性和生動性等特點;審視了目前理論界和實踐層在認識課程資源時所存有的幾種誤區;從多角度對課程資源進行分類,構建了課程資源的次序和系統;主張課程資源開發的價值取向是使各地區各學校最大程度地達到國家課程標準,使地方教育更有特點,學校更有特色,學生更具有個性化。

Education run by local people , since its coming into being , has been paid broad attention by academic circles and other walks of life , and discussions and disputes on the nature , status , function , standard , management and legislation , etc , has been ongoing , but with careful observations , we can find that beyond the clamor and liveliness , research on preschool education is undoubtedly ignored . it ' s a pity that this theoretical research goes far behind practice 盡管我國的民辦教育自產生起,就一直受到理論界和社會其他各界的廣泛關注,有關民辦教育的性質、地位、作用、規范、管理、立法等方面的討論與爭論一直不斷,然而仔細觀察,不難發現,在這喧囂熱鬧的背后卻留有一處安靜的領地,那就是民辦幼兒教育的研究無疑被忽視了。

Oh , not a doubt of it , said prince andrey , and with sudden and unnatural liveliness , he began joking with pierre about the necessity of his being careful with his cousins at moscow , ladies of fifty , and in the middle of these jesting remarks he got up , and taking pierres arm , drew him aside “啊,毫無疑問, ”安德烈公爵說道,他忽然不自然地活躍起來,他開始跟皮埃爾開玩笑,說皮埃爾對他那些五十來歲的莫斯科的表親們要小心謹慎,詼諧的談話談到半中間,他站了起來,挽起皮埃爾的手,把他領到一旁去。

With the development of elementary education reform , the teaching patterns in middle school class have been changing continuously . among them , exploratory teaching pattern bases on persons and promotes an all - round development for students in liveliness , vivacity and initiative 隨著基礎教育改革的深入,中學課堂教學模式在不斷變更與發展,其中,探究式課堂教學模式是在以人為本,促進學生生動、活潑、主動、全面發展教育理念下的一種教學模式。

You ll attract or create that kind of lively atmosphere and luck , or a feeling of being very happy . then you ll attract more happiness , more light , more liveliness , a more bright - hearted feeling ; and then luck will come . that s what we call “ good luck . 若是我們感到舒服快樂輕松,因為同性相吸的關系,我們會吸引或是營造出那種輕松有活力的氣氛,然后我們會越來越快樂越來越輕松開朗,好的運氣就跟著到來,這就是所謂的好運。

Towards the end of the evening , however , as the wifes face grew more flushed and animated , the husbands grew steadily more melancholy and stolid , as though they had a given allowance of liveliness between them , and as the wifes increased , the husbands dwindled 不過,在晚會臨近結束時,隨著妻子的臉色愈來愈紅潤,愈來愈興奮,丈夫的臉孔卻愈來愈陰沉,愈來愈嚴峻,仿佛兩人共享一份歡樂,妻子身上增加一些,丈夫身上便減少下來。

Oh , i certainly don t complain . “ another place was laid . fauchery found himself next the countess sabine , whose liveliness and gaiety surprised him when he remembered her drooping , languid state in the austere rue miromesnil drawing room 福什利坐在薩比娜伯爵夫人旁邊,使他驚訝的是,她今天特別高興,而她過去在米羅梅斯尼爾街的嚴肅的客廳里時,他看見她是那樣無精打采。

And while the attention deficit disorder test can have an element of subjectivity to it ? one person ’ s hyperactivity is another ’ s liveliness ? there are a number of things that are universally looked for when conducting an attention deficit disorder test 雖然多動癥測試可以有它的主觀因素- -一個人的動是另外的生機- -有一些事情是舉世找在進行多動癥測試

There has always been a close tie between youth and consumerism ; the main contradictions in the world of young people lie in their combined power of imagination and consumerism , as well as their liveliness and cynicism 青春與消費主義之間的關系向來密切,青春世界中的想象與消費主義的雙重力量連同她他們的生機勃勃與厭倦不堪是她他們主要的內心沖突。

In the 1970s , the new confucians had shown greater liveliness than modernists because new confucianism syncretized traditional and modern elements and advocated a modernization based on confucianism 但自七年代起,當代新儒學越來越顯示它比現代化理論更有活力,因為它本身其實就是傳統與現代的融合,主張以儒學為主的現代化。

Designing idea : the inspiration comes from liveliness and oddity pixie in the sea . they have the sea ' s spiritual , the sea ' s nimbus and the sea ' s world 設計構思:作品靈感來源于活潑可愛、古靈精怪的大海的精靈,他們有海的精神,海的靈氣,海的世界,他們是這些可愛的孩子,擁有海精靈般的快樂。

The overall characteristics are the openness of the system , the liveliness and the individualism of the material , the centralization and flexibility of the administration 總體特點為系統的開放性、素材的生動性與個性化、管理的集中性、靈活性(素材組織靈活、系統入口靈活、權限管理靈活) 。

Though not professional models , the fellow initiates performing managed to fully utilize their body language to convey the liveliness and comfort of wearing happy yogi clothes 雖然不是專業模特兒,不過,表演同修充滿動感的肢體語言,還是能令人感受到happy yogi帶來的活力與舒適。

His understanding and opinions all please me ; he wants nothing but a little more liveliness , and that , if he marry prudently , his wife may teach him 他沒有任何缺點,只不過稍欠活潑關于這一點,只要他結婚結得當心一些,娶個好太太,他也許會讓她給教好的。