
livelihood n.生活,生計。 means of livelihood...


Products vital to the people ' s livelihood 關系民生的產品

Products vital to the people s livelihood 關系民生的產品

People s livelihood - career training centre 職業訓練中心

Farming is his sole livelihood 他唯一的謀生之道就是務農

So not only l , but the livelihood of the island was put at risk 不僅僅是我,就連島上的生計都危在旦夕

Employment is vital to people ' s livelihood 就業是民生之本。

National interest and people ' s livelihood 國家對個人其他支出

The government must pay more attention to the livelihood of the poor 政府必須更多關注窮人的生活。

Selling fruits is his means of livelihood 賣水果是他的職業。

Production , livelihood , and ecology 農業的新使命生產生活生態

Employment has a vital bearing on the people ' s livelihood 千方百計擴大就業,不斷改善人民生活。

They haven ' t considered our livelihood 政府沒有考慮過我們的生計。

Look , i ' ve never stolen anyone ' s land or livelihood 瞧,我從未擄掠過任何人的土地或是生活

Discuss the character of people ' s livelihood news 試論民生新聞的品格

Characteristics and attributes of the people ' s livelihood tv news 電視民生新聞的特征和屬性

Lcq20 : livelihood protection for athletes 立法會二十題:運動員生活保障

Both groups depend on rainfall for their livelihoods and lives 兩個族群都仰賴降雨維生。

The dilemma and breakthrough of the people ' s livelihood journalism 民生新聞的困境和突圍

Farming is the only source of livelihood for the villagers 種田是那些村民的唯一生計。