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live firing 實際發射。

live graphite

And he tried to follow monte cristo ; but as though in a dream he was transfixed to the spot , - his eyes glared as though they were starting through the sockets ; he griped the flesh on his chest until his nails were stained with blood ; the veins of his temples swelled and boiled as though they would burst their narrow boundary , and deluge his brain with living fire 他想去追基督山,但象是在做夢一樣,他的腳一步也動不得。他拚命睜大眼睛,眼珠象是要從眼眶里突出來似的。指甲扎進了胸膛上,被血染紅了他太陽穴上的血管脹得象要爆裂開來似的,他頭腦發熱。

Mpri , as the training subcontractor , provides a force on force and live fire training exercise program for us army units at company team , and battalion task force and brigade level for forces deployed in kuwait 由于培訓分包提供一支部隊在部隊實彈訓練演習計劃,美軍部隊在公司團隊,大隊和工作隊和旅級部隊部署在科威特

The first such machine , a radio - controlled “ fairey queen ” biplane , was catapulted into the air in 1933 and survived two hours of live fire from a british warship 首架這樣的飛行機是一架由無線電控制的雙翼飛機,且名為“仙境中的女王” , 1933年被彈射而飛向天空,并在一艘英國軍艦的炮轟下挺了兩個小時。

The legends say the opal possessed the living fire of ruby , the glorious purple of amethyst the sea green of emeralds all glittering together in a mixture of light 傳說歐泊光芒是由炙熱的紅寶石,迷人的紫水晶與閃耀祖母綠的混合。

The first meteor live firing trial is scheduled to take place in sweden before the end of 2005 流星’的首枚實彈發射試驗安排在瑞典于2005年末進行。