
live vi.1.生存;活著〔現常用 be alive 或 be...

live account

I believe in live and let live . 我的信條是:“各自生活不相擾。”

These songs will live out this century . 這些歌曲不僅僅在本世紀里流行。

I am going to have intensive living after this . 今后,我要精細地生活。

Better die standing than live kneeling . 寧愿站著死,不愿跪著生。

He would rather die than live in dishonour . 他寧死不愿忍辱偷生。

Did kit live a single man all his days ? 難道吉特一直打著光棍嗎?

Maybe you can live with it-maybe you can't . 你也許受得了,也許受不了。

You will soon weary of living abroad . 你在國外生活不用多久就不滿意了。

Now the old man is living a happy life . 而今,這位老人過著幸福的生活。

He is understanding, and he's lived in japan . 他通情達理,在日本住過。

We have arranged for him to live near us . 我們已安排他住在附近。

The workers had to live on their savings . 工人們只好靠原有的積蓄生活。

We don't live up to our treaties . 我們并不遵守我們所簽訂的條約。

He spent the next two years living rough . 他又過了兩年簡樸生活。

We are living in a great historic era . 我們正處在一個偉大的歷史時代。

My people have lived here for generations . 我家世世代代都是住在這里。

How can you live in such desolation ? 你怎么能住在這種荒涼的地方?

We live in an undisciplined world . 我們生活在一個雜亂無章的世界。

There 's a real live burglar under my bed ! 我床下面真有一個竊賊!