
livable adj.1.(房子、氣候等)可以[適合]居住的。2.(生...


24 . in the planning and design of public housing projects on committed housing sites , we have and will continue to optimize development intensities under the permitted plot ratios by taking into consideration cost - effectiveness of the development while maintaining a sustainable and livable environment for our residents 24 .我們在規劃及設計公共房屋時,會繼續在符合經濟效益原則下善用法例上容許的地積比率為居民提供一個可持續及適合居住的居所。

Abstract : probing into the basic demand , constructing criterions and the main planning practices about livable cities based on competition of the international awards for livable communities , this paper finds out the basic rules and developing tendency on livable cities 摘要:本文針對國內普遍興起的宜居城市建設活動,結合“國際宜居城市與社區”競賽,探討宜居城市的基本要求,及其主要的社會實踐和評價標準,并提出宜居城市發展的基本規律。

You might have a tv or a radio there . but you can t have a lot of things , like your fast car , your helicopter , your palace , your air - con living room , your swimming pool , etc . you re only comforted in prison ; you just have livable conditions 當你被監禁時,無論父母給你多少東西安慰你,比方說你可以有一架電視或收音機,但還是有很多東西無法享有,像跑車直升機豪宅有空調的客廳游泳池等等。

It is the basis to improve the urban space quality at this area to be seen as a landscape system , and it is helpful to maintain this area livable to emphasize local culture , industry vestige , and high - technology 將全地區作為一個景觀系統對待,是提高魯爾區城鎮空間環境質量的基礎;對地域性文化和產業傳統的關注以及高新技術的引用,則有助于保持該地區城鎮空間的長久活力。

Based on this fact , taking into account of the principle of sustainability , our only choice is to make full use of the intelligence and positive forces of the civil society , to reflect and reform the institutions , and to build livable city 在此基礎上,依據可持續發展原則,利用公民社會各方面的智慧和力量,積極思考對策,進行制度創新,建設宜居城市,是必然的選擇。

Abstract : based on the introduction of greater vancouver regional district and livable region strategic plan , this paper summarizes the plan implement and monitoring mechanism , and then explains the monitoring indicators in detail 摘要:基于對大溫哥華區及其戰略規劃的介紹,本文總結規劃實施與監督機制,并對實施監督的具體檢測指標進行詳細說明。

I am quite positive that humor is the more comfortable and livable quality , for humorous persons , if their gift is genuine and not a mere sine upon the surface , are always agreeable companions 我能肯定,幽默更具輕松、讓人容易接受的性質,因為幽默的人,如果他們有真才實學而不只是冠冕堂皇,會總是令人愉快的伙伴。

Text : the livcom award is the only and the most authentic community award designed to enhance the improvement of living environment and is also the highest award for the most livable communities “國際花園社區“獎項是目前全球唯一一個旨在加強環境管理的最權威社區獎項,也是全球最適宜人類居住社區的最高獎項。

The robot will investigate whether frozen water near the martian surface might periodically melt enough to sustain a livable environment for microbes 這部機器將觀察火星表面是否有可呢該固定周期融化的冰凍水來維持微生物的可居住環境。

So all things on this planet , including us , are inter - related and are helping each other to make our life here comfortable and livable 大家要相互幫助,才能使我們在地球的生活變得舒服,環境適合居住。

Enhance city impression and create livable environment - analysis and vista of civil construction of harbin 對哈爾濱城市建設的分析和展望

Since all the maid were good and livable from whence come the evil wives 既然娘兒們都美好而可愛,雌老虎又從何而來?

The debugging was a bit arcane at first , but livable in the end 調試在開始的時候有些怪異,但是后來就適應了。

Most livable city . domestic travel ma 桂林漓江陽朔

The apartments upstairs also needed much work to make them livable 樓上房間同樣需要大量的修理才可以住。

Our place is almost livable 我們的地方差不多可以住人了

Kamloops , a livable city for the 21st century 21世紀適合人居的城市