
livability n.1.(家禽、牲畜等的)存活率。2.適于居住。


There are three parts in the article . the beginning is the summary about especial credit risk in city commercial bank management . at first , via the data explains that the loan object of the city commercial bank mainly concentrates small enterprises , then discusses why the city commercial bank concentrates this lay , then further via the small enterprise livability , compensative resource , the finance 首先,通過調查所得的數據說明了城市商業銀行的貸款對象主要集中于小企業這個層次,然后詳細論述了城市商業銀行為什么會將貸款對象主要集中在這個層次,再進一步通過對小企業存活率、償債來源、財務管理狀況、管理者素質等方面的分析,說明了為什么將貸款對象集中于小企業會極大的增大城市商業銀行的貸款信用風險。

At first the article discusses principles , contents and information management of airforce equipment maintenance and support management , and studies the source , classification and management function of information in depth . secondly , reliability , maintainability , supportability ( r & m & s ) and combat readiness of equipment influence fighting capacity and livability for weapon equipment 加強空軍裝備維修保障信息化、網絡化、可視化、智能化建設,解決當前空軍裝備維修保障信息管理存在的問題,是提高我空軍部隊作戰力和裝備作戰效能的關鍵。

Furthermore , establish relationship between people and traditional architecture , and then found livability and viability living area . the life style and habitation of people whom living there from early 20th century to nowadays be parts of history , while we do n ' t value it 論文立足于正確理解七賢莊地區的歷史、人文特色和建筑魅力,建立人與傳統建筑的聯系,尋求現代生活與傳統院落融合的切入點,實現地區的可持續發展。

Experiment and research on influence factors of wastewater treatment by ultraviolet disinfection , and come to conclusion that relations of radition intensity , turbidity , radition time , water thickness and total coleocele livability 摘要探討了紫外線消毒在污水處理中的影響因素,并得到了輻射強度、濁度、水層厚度、輻射強度和輻射時間與總大腸菌群存活率之間的關系,為消毒器的設計提供依據。

The essential rule of artificial restoration is matching tree by improving soil or matching site by improving tree species , and the livability of the regenerated coniferous forest reflected the affection of the topography on the artificial reforestation 例如地形對林火跡地(重度火燒區和極重度火燒區)針葉林恢復的影響,它實質是地形對人工更新存活率的影響。

Evidences showed that it contributed to proliferation and differentiation of many kinds of cells , and gm - csf also improved the livability of neuron in vitro and reduced its apoptosis rate 體外研究表明gm - csf能明顯提高神經元的存活率,降低凋亡率,但其對神經干細胞的作用及機制,現尚不清楚。

I ' m not going to kid you . milwaukee is not new york or los angeles , which for everyday livability is just fine with us . and the terrorists hardly know we ' re here 我沒有打算哄騙你。密爾沃基確實不是紐約或者洛衫基那樣隨時都很適宜人們居住的地方。但是同時恐怖分子也幾乎不知道我們住在這里。

Urban design guidelines should be formulated for enhancement of the above attributes to improve livability and environmental quality of hong kong 為了締造香港成為更適合居住的地方,改善環境質素,我們必須制訂一套城市設計指引來強化上述三個層面所著重的各項要素。

Many cities have recognised the unique contribution of cultural development to the “ livability “ and the economic development of the city 不少城市均意識到文化發展能增加城市的活力以及在經濟發展方面作出獨特的貢獻