
liturgy n.1.禮拜儀式。2.〔the L-〕 (英國教會的)《...

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Pastors , pastoral workers , counsellors and tutors responsible for formation at all levels parishes , deaneries and the diocese should help these couples to intensify their awareness of the importance of marital relationships and through the liturgy and various kinds of activities help them realize that whether or not the marital relationship can last depends on the efforts of both husband and wife 為這三類的夫婦,各層面堂區總鐸區教區的牧者牧民工作者輔導員及負責培育的導師,宜透過禮儀生活和各種活動,提高他們對婚姻關系的意識:婚姻的關系能否維系全賴夫婦二人的努力。

The content can be either a further catechesis in a brief and condensed manner , or an explanation of the different elements of the liturgy , or the meaning of the day s readings . on the other hand , in some special sundays , we can let the faithful share their testimony of the word in a formal manner , e . g . families could do so on the feast of the holy family , teachers on the education sunday , workers on the labor sunday etc . it may be better if those giving testimonies are parishioners , and they should have been well prepared 適當地善用最多人參與的禮儀主日感恩祭來推行培育,在不影響禮儀整體性的原則下,加添信仰培育的因素,例如在領圣體后或在感恩祭開始前,向教友提供簡短的培育,內容可以是濃縮的教理重溫感恩祭中各部分的意義當日圣經章節的意義等另一方面,在一些特別主日安排教友證道,如安排家庭在圣家節,教師在教育日,工友在勞動節等作證道,證道的教友最好是本堂區的教友,要預備充足,將當日的圣經選讀消化,并用自己的生活印證,神父適宜在證道后,作簡單總結。

It is recommended that in the areas of lay formation , life of faith and community activities , renewed emphasis should be given to the doctrine of father as creator , so as to appreciate , value and bless together with the father what he has created gen . 1 : 1 - 2 : 3 , in order to enable the faithful understand clearly to obey to the father and care for ecology is an essential part of catholic faith . in attitude and in practice , it is necessary to extend widely our respect towards life and human dignity to other creatures . in our prayers and liturgy , we have to know how to praise the lord with the entire creation 建議在教友培育和信仰的整體生活以及團體活動,重新強調天父為創造者這信條,與天父一起欣賞珍惜和祝福?的創造創1 : 1 - 2 : 3 ,明確地了解聽命于天父和關心生態環境,是天主教信仰不可或缺的基要部分,在態度和生活實踐上,更廣闊地把對生命和人格尊嚴的敬重,也延伸到對其他的受造物,在祈禱和禮儀中,懂得與一切受造物同聲贊美天主。

Parishes should organize further catechesis renewal courses for the faithful regularly . appropriate speakers can be invited , e . g . pastoral team members , parishioners graduate from the institute of theology , philosophy and religious sciences of the holy spirit seminary college or biblical institute , catechists of the parish or staff members of formation institute of the diocese , so as to enable the faithful to review systematically the relationship between daily life and the bible , liturgy , morals and catechism 堂區應定期為教友舉辦再慕道培育,可以邀請合適的講者,如堂區牧職人員圣神修院神哲學院各學部哲學部神學部及宗教學部或圣經學院畢業的堂區教友堂區慕道班導師或教區有關培育機構的干事,讓教友有系統地重溫圣經禮儀倫理要理和生活的關系。

C . special activities relating to marriage and family life can be organized at various levels e . g . diocesan , deanery and parish levels , such as celebrating marriage anniversaries , the feast of the holy family , valentine s day , fathers mothers day , etc . ; enhancing the esteem of the faithful for a successful marriage and a happy family through experience - sharing on exemplary marriages , a liturgy for renewing the marriage commitment and the witnessing to sound parent - child relationships , etc C .在不同層面如:教區總鐸區和堂區舉辦有關婚姻及家庭生活的特別活動,如:慶祝結婚紀念圣家節情人節父母親節等并透過成功婚姻的經驗分享重宣婚姻盟誓的禮儀良好親子關系的見證等活動,提升教友對幸福婚姻及美滿家庭的確認。

2 . every time , at the end of the day , when the clergy , members of institutes of consecrated life and societies of apostolic life and the other faithful bound by law to recite the liturgy of the hours , as well as those who are accustomed to praying the divine office for pure devotion , recite vespers and compline note 2 .所有圣職人員獻身生活會及使徒生活團的成員,以及其他依法有義務誦念時辰頌禱日課的信友,及純出于熱心而慣常每日誦念時辰頌禱的信友,于黃昏時分以團體或私人方式,在顯供或保存于圣體內的圣體前誦念晚禱vespers及夜禱compline

Persons with physical handicaps : improve the access and related facilities in church , service building , retreat houses , pastoral centres and all church organizations for those with disabilities , e . g . construction of slopes , elevators , toilets for people with disabilities , braille bibles , hymn books and parish newsletters , earphones for the hearing impaired to listen to homilies during mass and sign language interpreter during liturgies 傷殘人士:改善通道及有關設施,以加強傷殘人士對社會的參與,例如:圣堂服務大樓避靜所牧民中心以及各教會機構應提供傷殘人士適用的通道及設施斜路凹凸紋膠條的路面凸點字標記可供輪椅出入的升降機洗手間凸字圣經歌書堂區通訊以及為弱聽人士而設的耳機系統輔助神父講道的無線調頻系統等。

During the last twenty years , unique liturgy , creed and hymns are printed . each labour sunday , cic shares with hong kong churches worker - oriented evangelistic ways and biblical reflections on current labour issues . now the church has regular service with a congregation of around 30 members 我們誠意邀請你與我們一起,一起去激發人生的信念,一起為工人講真話,一起為一切改變的可能而努力!

Preference should be given to qualifications in theology philosophy , religious studies , biblical studies , catechetic , liturgy , etc . from catholic higher education institutes , local and overseas , on top of the practising christian life of the candidate 聘請或晉升時,可優先考慮擁有海內外公教專上學院之神哲學宗教學圣經要理教授禮儀或有關學科的學銜的人士并兼顧其信仰生活的實踐。

To ensure that the above rite is celebrated lawfully and validly for the spiritual benefit of the faithful , priests are to follow strictly the procedures and the prayers indicated by the diocesan liturgy commission , the english texts of which will be promptly provided 為確保上述儀式能符合教律,有效地舉行,使教友真正獲得神益,司鐸務須嚴格依循教區禮儀委員會所指示的程序和經文。

The holders of this view claim that the origins of our highest accomplishments - - - - liturgy , literature , and law - - - - can be traced to a play impulse which , paradoxically , we see most purely enjoyed by young beasts and children 持有這種觀點的人們認為我們的最高成就?禮儀,文學,法律都可以追溯到一種玩樂的沖動中- -有趣的是,我們看到孩子和幼獸們的此類享受最為純粹。

The holders of this view claim that the origins of our highest accomplishments - - - - liturgy , literature , and law - - - - can be traced to a play impulse which , paradoxically , we see most purely enjoyed by young beasts and children 這種觀點的持有者認為,我們一些最偉大的成就,像是程序、法律、文化的產生都可追溯到從幼獸或孩子純粹的游戲模模糊糊體現出的沖動上。

The holders of this view claim that the origins of our highest accomplishments - - - - liturgy , literature , and law - - - - can be traced to a play impulse which , paradoxically , we see most purely enjoyed by young beasts and children 這個觀點的持有人斷言說人類文明的最高成就? ?禮儀文學、法律? ?都可以追溯到由玩來推動,而且,我們看到小動物和兒童是最純粹的愛好者。

In our diocese , the sacred ceremony in question will take the form of a eucharistic liturgy presided over by cardinal joseph zen , sdb , at st . andrew s church , tseung kwan o , kowloon , at 2 : 30 p . m . on sunday , 11 february 2007 在本教區,有關慶典將于二月十一日主日下午二時三十分,以圣祭禮儀形式舉行,地點為九將軍澳圣安德肋堂。主禮者為陳日君樞機。

Although there is no one source for all wiccan liturgy , many liturgical items such as the methods for casting the circle , the “ charge of the goddess , “ certain myths and expressions are common to many traditions 雖然對為所有的巫術崇拜者禮拜儀式沒有一個來源,許多禮拜式的項目例如投射周期的方法, “女神的掌控, ”某種神話和表達對許多傳統是共同的。

Every day we hear god s voice through scripture and the liturgy as well as within our own hearts and through the events of our lives . we respond and speak to god and offer ourselves to him through our prayer and our daily living 我們每天從圣經里禮儀里,從我們心中,從生活的遭遇里聽到?的聲音,而在祈禱中生活里回應? ,向?訴心,向?奉獻。

Linked intimately to the liturgy in this way , the goal of the gregorian melodies is to favor spiritual growth in everyone , reveal the gifts of god , and the full coherence of the christian message 由于用于禮拜的原因,格立高圣歌的旋律目的是使人精神上感到愉悅,展示上帝的贈品,統一信徒的思想

On maundy thursday they would be received back into the community of the church by the bishop to participate in the sacred liturgy of the triduum . easter is manifestly their rising to new life 到了圣周四主教才接納他們歸回教會的團體里,參與神圣三天的禮儀,復活節也更顯得是他們的復活。

Wilbur : the episcopal church has the best liturgy in christendom , even after those recent revisions which caused auden to say that [ end page 42 ] the church was throwing away its treasure 圣公會的禮拜儀式在基督教各教派中是最好的,即便是在近年做了被奧登稱做是在扔掉教會珍寶的修改之后。