
liturgical adj.禮拜儀式的。adv.-cally 按照禮拜儀式的...


School chaplains and pastoral assistants can help students in religious formation , run catechumen classes , establish small christian communities , organize teachers bible reading groups , conduct school - wide liturgical services and prayer gatherings . they can hold periodical meetings with different classes of students to talk about problems of life and faith , and also assist in the work of fostering the pastoral zeal of the school principals , teachers and minor staff 他們可協助培育學生的宗教信仰開設慕道班組織信仰小團體,組織研讀圣經班,為全校舉辦宗教禮儀或祈禱聚會,更可定期和各級學生聚會,探討人生信仰圣召等問題也可作別或小組靈性輔導。

In order to express our solidarity with , and our appreciation of , frontline doctors , nurses and other health care staff who are working round the clock to look after those who have contracted the atypical pneumonia sars , bishop joseph zen , sdb , is appealing to all parishes to take up a special collection on any day from holy thursday 17 april to easter sunday 20 april , by any convenient means such as placing a donation box in the church , taking up a special collection during a holy week liturgical function , etc . 為支援忠于職守日夜辛勞地照顧非典型肺炎病人及各社區的醫務人員醫生護士清潔工人等,并表達對他們的關懷,陳日君主教吁請各堂區在本年圣周四四月十七日至復活主日四月二十日期間,作一次特別募捐,方式任擇如設置特別捐獻箱在某項圣周禮儀中作特別募捐等。

Despite the great importance of this feast in the orthodox liturgical calendar , it is not considered a matter of dogma as in the catholic church ( dogmatization of the dormition for the roman catholic church was formalized by a roman catholic pope after the great schism , whose authority eastern orthodox did not recognize ) 盡管按照東正教歷法來說,這個節日十分重要,但并沒有納入天主教教條之內(大分裂之后,被羅馬教宗形式化的羅馬天主教武斷地指出,并不接受東正教有關“死亡”的教條。 )

In order to express our solidarity with , and our appreciation of , frontline doctors , nurses and other health care staff who are working round the clock to look after those who have contracted the atypical pneumonia ( sars ) , bishop joseph zen , sdb , is appealing to all parishes to take up a special collection on any day from holy thursday ( 17 april ) to easter sunday ( 20 april ) , by any convenient means ( such as placing a donation box in the church , taking up a special collection during a holy week liturgical function , etc . ) 為支援忠于職守、日夜辛勞地照顧非典型肺炎病人及各社區的醫務人員(醫生、護士、清潔工人等) ,并表達對他們的關懷,陳日君主教吁請各堂區在本年圣周四(四月十七日)至復活主日(四月二十日)期間,作一次特別募捐,方式任擇(如設置特別捐獻箱、在某項圣周禮儀中作特別募捐等) 。

Some examples are presented concerning the development of liturgical and non - liturgical music ( gregorian chant ) , the unifying musical tendencies in reformatory movements in the 15th and 16th centuries , in the case of social and ideological changes throughout of europe , in the 18th and 19th century etc 一些例子呈現在有關于儀式或非儀式音樂的發展,如葛利果圣歌,在十五、十六世紀的改革運動里有其合一化的音樂趨勢,在十八、十九世紀,整個歐洲又有其社會與意識型態的轉變等等。

She examines texts from this period along with the architectural layout of daoist monasteries , the daily discipline and interpersonal etiquette of monks and nuns , their implements and vestments , as well as the liturgical dimension ( regular services , annual festivals , and special rites such as funerals ) of monastic life 她檢視這個時期起始的文獻,道教宮觀的建筑布置、日常的戒律、男女修道者人際間的禮儀、他們身上的配件與法衣,以及宮觀生活中崇拜的面向(規律的宗教儀式、年度的慶典以及諸如葬禮的特殊儀式) 。

Seminar on specific topics . with regard to content , it should not be merely a transference of knowledge , but should be communicated through a form of group sharing , where emphasis should be given to the integration of the word and daily living , and such group would serve as a preliminary form of small community of faith , the basic components of which are liturgical prayer , the word , service , and faith put into practice as well as giving testimony 在慕道過程中,著重培育慕道者積極活潑的信仰觀,避免單向和授課的形式例如透過專題研習的形式,內容不單只灌輸道理上的知識,還要透過團體的分享,強調圣言和生活的整合,并以此為日后信仰小團體的芻型,以祈禱禮儀圣言服務及生活實踐和見證作為基本要素。

Thanks to her continuing presence in the world and her presence in the bible , veneration of sophia continued in the eastern tradition with the construction of the hagia sophia and the russian catholic liturgical service to sophia combined with the assumption of mary on may 15 由于她持續地出現在世上,也出現在圣經上,索菲婭崇拜在東方傳統中持續著,連同著圣索菲婭大教堂和俄羅斯天主教禮拜儀式在一起,索菲婭與五月15日的圣母升天節聯系在一起。

They should be encouraged to read books including the bible , kung kao po and spiritual books , to take part in activities of christian formation organized by different groups , to acquire a habit to participate in liturgical life of the parish , especially in the liturgy of lent and the holy week 應培養慕道者閱讀書籍包括圣經公教報及靈修書籍參加不同團體舉辦的信仰培育活動參加堂區禮儀生活的習慣,特別是四旬期和圣周的禮儀。

All priests , liturgical ministers and the faithful are required to observe these guidelines , with a view to safeguarding the common good and reducing the possibility of the spread of the sars virus in our local communities 以下牧民指引,是與教區禮儀委員會及醫務專業人員商討后,針對飛沫和接觸的傳播途徑而厘定的。全體司鐸、禮儀人員及教友,務須遵守這些指引,以保障公益,減少病毒在社區擴散的可能性。

All priests , liturgical ministers and the faithful are required to observe these guidelines , with a view to safeguarding the common good and reducing the possibility of the spread of the sars virus in our local communities 以下牧民指引,是與教區禮儀委員會及醫務專業人員商討后,針對飛沫和接觸的傳播途徑而厘定的。全體司鐸禮儀人員及教友,務須遵守這些指引,以保障公益,減少病毒在社區擴散的可能性。

Apart from biblical studies and moral education courses , schools should set aside time for religious activities , such as arranging scripture readings , masses , preaching , faith and life camps , retreats , etc . in accordance with different liturgical seasons 學校除圣經倫理課外,應騰出專用時空作宗教活動,按不同的禮儀節令安排圣道禮儀感恩祭布道會信仰生活營退省等活動。

Parishes are recommended to organize more activities for couples of mixed marriages , e . g . liturgical celebrations e . g . renewing the marriage vows on the feast of the holy family , children - parents gatherings e . g 堂區宜多舉辦適合混合婚姻夫婦一起參加的活動:禮儀慶典如:在圣家節重發婚姻盟誓親子活動如:為兒童而設的集體生日會有關家庭生活教育的講座等。

Although there is no one source for all wiccan liturgy , many liturgical items such as the methods for casting the circle , the “ charge of the goddess , “ certain myths and expressions are common to many traditions 雖然對為所有的巫術崇拜者禮拜儀式沒有一個來源,許多禮拜式的項目例如投射周期的方法, “女神的掌控, ”某種神話和表達對許多傳統是共同的。

Its pre - classical form of vedic sanskrit , the liturgical language of the vedic religion , is one of the earliest attested members of the indo - european language family , its most ancient text being the rigveda 吠陀梵語的古典前期形式,吠陀宗教的禮拜語言,是經驗證無誤的最早印歐語系家族成員之一,最古老的梵語文獻就是梨俱吠陀。

The feast of the dormition is celebrated on august 15 , and is preceded by a fourteen day fast from meat and dairy products , the third longest fast of the liturgical year after great lent and winter lent 死亡的節日是在八月15日慶祝,是為期十四天之久地禁食肉類和奶類制品,是一個禮拜年內自四旬節和冬至以來第三長的禁食日子。

His life and teachings are remembered by most christians in church services , as well as through the christian liturgical calendar ( including holidays such as christmas and easter ) 他的一生和教導被眾多在教會中作禮拜的基督徒們牢記,同時也通過基督教的禮拜性質的節日來紀念(包括如圣誕節和復活節這樣的公眾假日) 。

The liturgical headdress and part of the insignia of a christian bishop . in the western church it is a tall pointed hat with peaks in front and back , worn at all solemn functions 主教冠基督教主教的禮拜儀式的頭飾,是其標志的一部分,在西方教堂中,是一個高而尖的帽子,在前和后有尖狀突出,在隆重的慶祝儀式上佩戴

Liturgical ? our family believes that worship is two - way conversation with god . god speaks to us and we respond . this pattern of conversation creates a pattern we call liturgy 禮拜儀式- - - -我們的家庭相信祟拜是與神的一個雙向的對話。神對我們說話,我們又回應。這個對話模式制造一個我們叫禮拜的模式。