
littoral adj.海濱的;沿岸的;沿海的 (opp. pelagi...


The lower part formed in a littoral - epeiric environment , is a series of elastic rocks , partly contains carbonate rock and metamorphic basic volcanic rocks and the upper part formed in a bathypelagic environment is a series of sediments with chert , partly contains metamorphic basic volcanic rocks 其下部為一套濱淺相碎屑巖,局部夾碳酸鹽巖、變質基性火山巖;上部為一套深水沉積巖系夾硅質巖,局部夾變質基性火山巖。

With the industrialization of littoral cities , marine entironment has been severely destroyed . red tide occurs more and more frequently in china ' s coastal sea area , and has been one of china ' s ocean calamities and one of the three severe pollution problems 隨著沿海城市工業化的發展,海洋生態環境受到嚴重破壞;赤潮災害頻發,已經成為我國的一大海洋災害和三大近海污染問題之一。

Therefore , the littoral sea waters is a sea area with extremely high economic and social values in the ocean , and has always been , from ancient times to the present , the major area in which man develops and uses the ocean 沿岸海域是沿海經濟與社會發展的可擴展和延伸的區域,具有顯著的邊境優勢,也是溝通地區和世界的樞紐地帶,因此,沿岸海域是海洋中經濟與社會價值極高的海區。

This benefits the balance of opening , with the mean that our opening is both to east littoral region and west bordering region , to both developed countries and developing countries . this will extend the markets both in and out of our country 西部大開發戰略是開發西部潛在市場和拓展我國西緣國際空間的重要舉措,新亞歐大陸橋的開通又使我國西北地區成為向西開放的前沿陣地。

The urban district visits a day : cong xiangzhou sets out , take 2 buses ( 13 , 4 , 20 , 43 ok also ) reach littoral park station , swim first park of stone scene hill , take the top telpher on hill , take high mountain slide downhill 市區游覽一日:從香洲出發,乘坐2路公共汽車( 13 、 4 、 20 、 43路也可以)到達海濱公園車站,先游石景山公園,乘山頂纜車上山,下山乘高山滑道。

Through enumerating the historical data , this article elaborates the development reason of littoral agricultural economy in fujian province in song dynasty based on four aspects including population , lands , farming technology , water conservancy 摘要通過史料的列舉,從人口、土地、農耕技術、水利4個方面闡述了宋代福建沿海農業經濟發展的原因。

Although the loading is little and the settlement completes quickly , in the littoral , because of deep soft soil , after the completion of main consolidation , there is also existed long term minor consolidation 雖然填土堆載較小,沉降完成時間較快,但是在沿海地區,由于其下部軟土較厚,在主固結完成之后,還將產生“漫長”的蠕變沉降。

Plastic doors and windows do not erode by any acid or alkali medicine and they aren ' t affected by waste gas of salty substances . therefore , they are very suitable choice in littoral and heavy - inustry area 塑料異型材不受腐蝕,有不會變黃褪色,不受灰、水泥幾膠合劑影響,幾乎不必保養,贓污是可以用任何清潔劑,清洗后潔白如初。

The zone in a lake or pond between the littoral and profundal zones , extending from the edge of the area occupied by rooted plants to a depth of about six to ten meters , where the water temperature declines 亞沿岸的:湖或池塘內位于沿岸區和深水區之間的區域,可從有根植物生長區域的邊界延伸至七到八米深處,此處水溫會下降。

Legal coordinative mechanism in the littoral area of bohai is not only an important part of regional coordinative system , but also a necessary system arrangement to realize the economic intergration 摘要環渤海地區法制協調機制既是環渤海地區合作機制的重要組成部分,也是推動并實現環渤海地區經濟一體化的重要制度安排。

With the development of the other transportation , shiping , as the main function of this area , has gradually declined . the region of canal littoral has immediately ruined . the canal region proceeds renewal at once 隨著城市功能的轉變,其它交通方式的發展,航運作為運河的主要功能逐漸衰退,運河沿岸地區也隨之衰敗。

Yangtze river delta , the largest littoral elonomic region in china , is also the most attractive tourist region in china and has great development potential 摘要長江三角洲是目前我國最具吸引力、潛力最大的旅游經濟區,對其旅游客源市場結構進行研究有利于明確其客源市場目標層,從而制定切實可行的客源市場開發戰略。

Along this narrow littoral , a century ago , the tekke turcomans had grazed their camels and tough argamak horses , and tilled the soil around forty - three earthen fortresses 一個世紀之前,在這個濱海地區的沿岸,提基亞土庫曼人用泥土建立起43個堡壘,他們在周圍放牧駱駝和兇悍的阿葛馬克馬,并耕種土地。

Plastic doors and windows do not erode by any acid of alkali medicine and they aren ' t affected by waste gas or salty substances . therefore , they are bery suitable choice in littoral and heavy - industry area 塑料門窗不受任何酸堿藥物的侵蝕,不受廢氣及鹽份的影響,非常適合沿海地區、重工業區的使用。

Our factory located in the littoral city - chenhai district shantou city , near to the shantou airport , national highway 324 , shenshan and shanfen expressway , the transportation is very convenient 本廠座落在粵東地區的海濱城市汕頭澄海區臨近汕頭機場, 324國道深汕高速和汕汾高速,海陸空交通方便。

The upper layer sediment of core q43 in the outshelf of the southern east china sea shows that it is the regressive sequence of littoral facies to offshore facies and of representative significance 以q43巖心為代表的東海南部外陸架上層沉積物,是末次冰期海退層序中,濱岸相-濱外淺水相沉積。

3 . the method simulating the turbulence diffusion of salt water numerically in inland river and its objective control is presented as new technical approach to optimize the littoral ship lock 3 、提出對內河鹽水濃度的紊動擴散進行數值計算及目標控制的方法做為沿海船閘優化的新技術路徑。

China now builds and supplies missiles that can be used in combat from the beach , across the coastal / littoral environment , and out to extended - range engagements far over the horizon 中國現在能夠制造和提供的導彈系列,可供部署于灘涂地域以及海濱區域作戰,乃至成為超視距的遠程打擊力量。

The soft ground in loess ravine region has not been researched by the numbers yet , and its engineering properties have some difference from ordinary soft clay located in littoral 摘要黃土溝壑區分布的濕軟地基目前還沒有系統的理論研究,其工程性質與一般軟土有一定區別。