
littleness n.1.小。2.少量,些許。3.褊狹,吝嗇,卑鄙。


At the least sorrow , the slightest obstacle on the path of life , he had been wont to enter a church , where , kneeling down , he would humble his littleness in the presence of omnipotence . and he had been used to go forth thence , fortified by prayer , fully prepared to give up the good things of this world , possessed by the single yearning for eternal salvation 他只要在生活中有一點點煩惱,碰到一點點障礙,他便走進教堂,跪在地上,讓渺小的自己跪拜在萬能的天主的面前祈禱后,他走出教堂,總是變得堅強起來,他準備拋棄他的人世間的一切財富,以求實現他的靈魂永生得救的唯一愿望。

On the other hand the opening of four great banks will turn the brittleness of the bank worse , causing the payment crisis of four great bank , threatening financial safety . the littleness of four great banks lies in such three aspects as high ratio of bad asset , low amplitude of funds and low profit 目前四大銀行的系統性風險突出表現為不良資產比率高、資本充足率低和利潤率低這三個問題,外資銀行競爭的加劇使這些問題的解決顯得更加緊迫和困難。

And he said to them , “ because of the littleness of your faith ; for truly i say to you , if you have faith the size of a mustard seed , you will say to this mountain , ' move from here to there , ' and it will move ; and nothing will be impossible to you 太17 : 20耶穌說、是因你們的信心小我實在告訴你們、你們若有信心像一粒芥菜種、就是對這座山說、你從這邊挪到那邊、他也必挪去并且你們沒有一件不能作的事了。

And it never enters any ones head that to admit a greatness , immeasurable by the rule of right and wrong , is but to accept ones own nothingness and immeasurable littleness Dusublimeauridiculeilnyaquunpas ”可是,誰都不曾想一下,承認偉大,而不顧及善良和丑惡還有一個標準,這只能說明他自己的卑劣和無限的渺小罷了。

When man in his littleness and god in his glory meet , we all understand that what god says has infinitely more worth than what man says 當人在他的微小里,與神在他的榮耀里相逢的時候,我們都知道神所說的話的價值是遠超過人所說的。

They are all a hotchpotch of greatness and littleness , of virtue and vice , of nobility and baseness 任何人都是偉大與渺小,善良與邪惡,高貴與低賤的混合體。

They are all a hotchpotch of greatness and littleness , of virtue and vice , of nobility and baseness 他們皆是偉大與渺小,善良與邪惡,高貴與低賤的混合體。

So does a whole world , with all its greatnesses and littlenesses , lie in a twinkling star 整個地球和它的種種偉大與渺小都在一個閃爍的星星之中存在。

The littleness of one's fellows in the mob of life is a very strange experience . 下里巴人在混沌生活中表現出的渺小真令人驚詫。