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little russian 小俄羅斯人〔烏克蘭人的舊稱〕。

little slam

In the dark petya recognised and approached his own mare , whom he called karabach , though she was in fact of a little russian breed 黑暗中彼佳認出了自己的坐騎,雖然它是烏克蘭種,但是他仍叫它卡拉巴赫馬,于是他向這匹馬走去。

Yes , your excellency , answered the little russian , shaking his head good - humouredly 一簇毛指烏克蘭人愉快地晃著腦袋答道。

Let ' s play a little russian roulette 我們來玩輪盤賭

I know a little russian , but this is a sealed book to me 我懂一點俄語,但這種語言對我來說如天書一般難懂。

She speaks french and german and also a little russian 她會說法語,德語,還會說一點兒俄語