
little n.利特爾〔姓氏〕。

little bear

Her little shoes now fitted her smartly . 她的小鞋子穿來恰到好處。

The little boy was crying because he was lost . 那小孩因迷路而哭。

I gave him what little money i had . 我把所有的一點點錢統統給了他。

She danced the little child round the room . 她逗得小孩滿屋蹦蹦跳跳。

He kept a little still in mite-end . 他在邁安德有一個小小的蒸餾所。

He shows little flair for this subject . 他在這個科目上沒有什么才華。

Do n't be so mean to your little brother . 對你的小弟弟不要如此刻薄。

I knew i'm a silly little girl . 我知道自己只是一個不懂事的小姑娘。

She does not condescend to such little things .. 她不屑理睬那種小事。

He was a little pale and a little restless . 他有點面孔失色和不安。

Dim little men try to conserve . 那些渾渾噩噩的小人物試圖明哲保身。

A little smile became settled in his beard . 他的胡子掛上一絲微笑。

His failing had little to do with me . 他的失敗與我并沒有多大關系。

Philip stroked the baby's little cheek . 菲利浦摸著那嬰兒的小臉蛋。

She makes a little money go a long way . 她用很少的錢能買很多東西。

She considered berenice a little difficult . 她認為白麗萊茜有點難弄。

At the moment i'm a little overwhelmed . 這會兒我真是有點目不暇接了。

He coughed a little and cleared his throat . 他咳了一下,清了清喉嚨。

Relatively speaking it is a little prosaic . 相對說來,那有一點平凡。