
littery adj.1.褥草的;滿是稻草的。2.雜亂的;不整潔的。


Then , the associated search optimal algorithm based on virtual avl tree is promoted to rapidly reconstruct the half - edge topological structure . 3 . to rebuild the tooth surface from the littery measure data , the membrane deformation algorithm based on loop subdivision is given to fit density triangle meshes to subdivision surface 前者巧妙、高效地完成了去除冗余點的工作,將stl數據的存儲尺寸壓縮為原來的18 % 25 % ;后者完成了數據的半邊拓撲重建,使得后續對于邊界邊搜索、 1環鄰域搜索顯示出較好的優勢,實現了三角網格模型的快速拓撲重建。

He took me into his library , a littery but considerable collection 他帶我到他的藏書室,里面的藏書雖然雜亂無章,數量卻相當可觀。