
litter n.1.擔架,舁床;轎輿。2.(獸類睡眠用的)褥草,墊圈...

litter bag

What the litter girl had done puzzled her mother 小女孩的行為使她母親迷惑不解。

We don ' t allow throwing litter about in public 我們不允許在公共場所亂丟垃圾。

This litter produced two males and seven females 這一窩產下兩只雄仔和七只雌仔。

He cleaned the cat ' s litter box and bathed the dog 他清了貓的砂盒后還替狗洗澡。

What does that mean it means no littering 那個意味著什么?它意味著不要亂丟垃圾

There is a truck ( which is ) collecting litter outside 外面有一輛收垃圾的卡車。

Hydro - ecological functions of forest litter layers 森林凋落物層水文生態功能研究

Super blue cat litter games - 4455 miniclip games 藍貓超級泡泡攻略- 4399小游戲網

He was fined for littering on the sidewalks 他因在人行橫道上亂扔雜物而被罰款。

Sea doesn ' t refuse water ' s litter ; thus shape its depth 海不辭水,故能成其深。

In the basket was a litter of blind kittens-all dead save one that feebly mewed and staggered on awkward legs . 里邊是一窩閉著眼的小貓,一個個死挺挺的,只有一只還在有氣無力地喵喵叫著,小腿顫巍巍的,在籃子里蹣跚。

I was one with the mass, moving down the littered street over the puddles of oil and milk, my personality blasted . 我跟群眾融合在一起,在狼藉的街上行進,一道越過一汪汪煤油和牛奶,而我的個性已經煙消云散。

Her dressing-table was littered with the pots and bottles and tubes she had brought back from the south . 她的梳妝臺上擺滿了從南部帶回來的小瓶兒,小罐兒和軟金屬管。

Even though the road was littered with boulders and pitted with holes, bruce was not in the least perturbed . 盡管路上亂石遍地,路面上坑洼洼,布魯斯卻毫不慌張。

Even though the road was littered with boulders and pitted with holes , bruce was not in the least perturbed . 即使滿道亂石,坑坑洼洼,布魯斯還是毫不心煩意亂。

Now man not only littered the earth, but also has left a number of metal products on the moon . 現在人類不僅在地球上亂扔東西,而且在月球上也留下一些金屬制品。

There are also some estimates of the efficiency of litter decomposition by basidiomycetes in pure culture . 也有一些關于純培養擔子菌分解落葉層效力的估計。

One serious drawback has been the development in some instances of excessively dry and dusty litter . 有一個嚴重的缺點,那就是有時墊料過干,里面塵埃過多。

The sows and litters were kept in the farrowing house until the pigs were about 9 to 14 days of age . 母豬和它的窩仔都被關在產房里直到仔豬9-14天年齡時。