
litre n.(容量單位)升。


1 litre of wine or spirits 1升葡萄酒或烈酒。

The hot water it produces is stored in a 1000 litre insulated tank 太陽能生產的熱水儲存在一個1000升的絕熱水箱中。

Those goods are available in strong wooden drums of 1 , 2 , 5 , 10 and 20 litres 這些貨物分別裝入1 2 5 10 20升的木桶里

The bottle contains two litres 此瓶容量為兩升。

Thirty minutes later , pour another half a litre of water into the floor drains 三十分鐘后,再倒進半公升清水。

Croatia now produces over 6 million litres of olive oil every year 克羅埃西亞現在每年生產六百萬公升的橄欖油。

This barrel contains 50 litres 這個桶容量為50升

3 litres sodium iodide detector 3公升碘化鈉探測器

Until then , the duty rate will remain at 1 . 11 per litre 在這期間,超低硫柴油稅稅率會維持在每公升1 . 11元。

The liquid was 5 litres in volume 該液體的體積為5升

Leaking valves and taps can waste more than 400 litres of water a day 漏水的水頭一天可以浪費400升食水。

0 . 35 litre sodium iodide detector 0 . 35公升碘化鈉探測器

A single can of dissolvent pollute millions of litres of water 單單一鐵罐的溶劑就可以污染數百萬升的水

22 litres per minute of running water 每分鐘22公升流動食水

Bottling industry . glass bottles . “ six star “ litre bottle 制瓶工業.玻璃瓶.容量為1升的“六星“玻璃瓶

2 litres of wine and 1 litre of spirits 2升葡萄酒和1升烈酒。

Every week , pour half a litre of water into each floor drain 每星期把半公升清水倒進地臺排水口,

2 litres of wine and 1 . 5 litres of spirits 2公升餐酒及1 . 5公升烈酒

Plastic fragrance container 30 litres 膠質制造的容器可盛30公升水