
litmus n.【化學】石蕊。adj.-less 中性的。

litmus paper

Translate the following sentence into chinese , ‘ text messaging , or sending 160 characters of fewer to another cell phone , has become a discreet way to contact someone and , because it takes some tech - savvy know - how , it ' s a litmus test of sorts on how advanced a nation is in using wireless technology 發送文本信息,或者說發送少于160個字到另一部手機已成為聯系別人的一種隱秘的方法.因為這需要一定的技術技能,也就成為了一個國家在使用無線科技先進程度的試金石

Marked by a different degree of intensity in different regions , infectious diseases , working as a litmus test , expose social and economic problems , aggravate social inequality and contribute to discrimination 雙方高度重視在打擊非法移民領域的合作。根據兩國元首達成的協議,雙方正加緊籌備成立中俄移民問題聯合工作小組。

In these competitive times , people should not be afraid of losing . they should be prepared to start all over again . this is the litmus test of a truly quality workforce 在變化和競爭的時代,我們應該“輸得起” ,不怕輸,輸了重新來,東山再起,這是考驗人的素質的試金石,真正優秀的人力資源應該是輸得起的人。

In addition to being very small - footprint , frotz makes a sort of standardized litmus test of whether a system s programming toolkit is reasonably complete 除了占資源少之外( small - footprint ) , frotz還進行一種標準化的最終測試,測試系統的編程工具包是否是足夠完全的。

If any of these objects is left unpatched , it can be used as the litmus test to determine whether or not a process is hidden 如果這些對象有任何一個沒被修改,它就可以用做確定是否有進程被隱藏的試金石。

Connect 2 oxidation sulfur shi rui to try juice , if do not heat , after is litmus erubescent whether change by oneself a primary colors 將二氧化硫通入石蕊試液,若不加熱,石蕊變紅后能否自行變回原色

Certifies that the service conforms to the litmus test agreed to for a service so that the appropriate business value is obtained 服務測試人員確保服務經過嚴格的測試,以獲得合適的業務價值。

It restores the blue color of litmus - paper reddened by an acid , and it turns syrup of violets green 它可以使被酸素變紅的藍色試紙恢復它的本色,它可以使堇菜汁變成綠色。

We have no litmus - paper , but , see , here they come with the syrup of violets . 我們沒有藍色試紙,但是,聽!他們拿堇菜汁來了。 ”

Litmus paper can be used as an indicator of the presence of acid in a solution 石蕊試紙可用以測試溶液是否含酸

Examples are litmus and phenolphthalein 例如石蕊和酚酞。

Neutral reaction by litmus indicating paper 石蕊試紙呈中性反應。

Litmus paper turns red on contact with an acid 石蕊試紙遇酸度會變紅

Chalk blood yeast dextrose litmus milk 白堊血酵母浸膏石蕊牛乳培養基

And isn ' t that the litmus test 從這一點來看,我們的離婚是不是還算成功?

A sence of control is the litmus test for success 有無控制感是成功的試金石。