
litigious adj.1.好訴訟的,愛打官司的;愛爭論的。2.可訴訟的...


Through analysis the author obtained the requirement of establishing the principle of citizen ' s constitutional right remedy by judicature . after obtaining such requirement and drawing advice from experts , the author put forward four steps in establishing such mechanism in our country . firstly , cultivation the litigious awareness of citizen ' s basic right 在分析得出建立憲法司法適用機制的條件是確立司法對公民憲法權利的最終救濟原則后,通過借鑒各位前輩專家的意見,筆者拋磚引玉,從宏觀上設計四個重要步驟: 1 、培育公民基本權利的訴訟意識; 2 、形成二元化的憲法解釋機制; 3 、建立“雙軌制”的違憲審查模式; 4 、創立真正意義上的憲法訴訟制度,從而能夠形成我國憲法司法適用機制。

Litigation fraud does not only violate the litigious obligation of the litigant , directly disrupt the normal litigation order of the judicial departments and violate the reverence of law , but also make the opposing party unvoluntarily involved into a lawsuit and mislead the court to make a wrong verdict so as to harm the legal right and interest of the opposing party 摘要訴訟欺詐不僅違背訴訟當事人的訴訟義務,直接妨害了司法機關正常的訴訟秩序,侵害了法律尊嚴,同時,還使對方當事人無辜卷入訴訟,并通過法院的錯誤判決使其合法的權益遭到侵害。

China should construct an effective system for the supervision of judicial power on the two systems , e . g . the system out of law , including promotion of the idea of citizens “ rights and freedom of press , and the system in the law , including valid jury system , judicial impeachment and enlargement of the litigious rights of the parties 第五部分:刑事司法權監督的未來框架現行通行方式除法院系統自上而下的業務指導與監督,一般有法外和法內兩大監督體系,立法權監督與檢察權監督可稱之為法內監督體系,而法外監督體系則靠公民的權利意識及發達的傳媒來支撐。

On the basis of the third party mode selection , which , from the aspects of values and objectives of action , is decided by the methods of positive analysis and economic analysis , and the clarification of the third party with independent right to claims , this part restructures the system of third party with no independent right to claims , discusses the causes and reasons of this system , defines the litigious status of the third party with no independent right to claims , specifies the standards of intervention of third party with no independent right to claims , and finally illustrates the necessity of setting up two relevant civil procedure systems 以實證分析、經濟分析的分析方法,從訴訟價值、訴訟目的的角度,對我國第三人制度模型作出選擇。在第三人制度模型確定的情況下,進一步厘清了我國有獨立請求權第三人制度。在以上的模型選擇和有獨立請求權第三人制度厘清的基礎之上,重構我國無獨立請求權第三人制度,明確了該制度設立的原因,界定了無獨立請求權第三人的地位,確立了無獨立請求權第三人參訴的標準。

Besides , the author analyzes compensation for spiritual damages to the dead and several other legal issues with extended protection theory of personal right ; puts forward that the dead has personal rights , his close relatives have litigious rights to claim for indemnity if his legal beneficial interests were infringed upon ; close relatives shall also enjoy compensation for spiritual damages if the same infringement occurs 以精神損害賠償的構成要件為基礎,對精神損害賠償司法認定中的具體問題進行了論述。結合相關論述分析了我國精神損害賠償立法現狀,總結了我國現有立法主要存在的問題,在此基礎上提出了完善我國精神損害賠償制度的若干立法建議,并進行了論證。

This paper tries to discuss and demonstrate some basic theoretical questions about proceedings for right of subrogation , such as its concept , litigious right , jurisdiction , object of action , effective scope of validity of matter adjudged in proceedings for right of subrogation , status in litigation of parties and procedural rights 本文試圖從代位權訴訟的概念、訴權、管轄、訴訟標的、代位權訴訟既判力之作用范圍及其當事人的訴訟地位與訴訟權利等基本理論問題進行探索和論述,提出了一些獨到的見解。

Lawyers : are legal workers who are employed full ? time by legal co unseling firms to act as legal advisres , agents in criminal or civil lawsuits , or defenders in criminal lawsuits , or to handle non ? litigious legal affairs , to adv ise on matters of law or to write legal papers for others . both full ? time and parttime lawyers are included 律師:指受聘參加法律顧問處工作,提任法律顧問、刑(民)事代理人、刑事辯護人、辦理非訴訟事件、解答法律詢問、代定法律事務文書等主要從事律師業務的專職法律工作者和兼職律師。

Concretely , the parties “ active and effective use of litigious rights , jury system , judicial impeachment system and social supervision all can bring corresponding outcome from different angles . part 4 makes some discussions of the difficult situation of existing system 對刑事司法權進行監督是不僅能夠實現公正程序,使刑事司法活動可以在法官中立、兩造平等的條件下進行;也可以對個人的合法利益予以保障;并且通過公正司法,防止國家反復、任意地對個人施用刑罰權。

In the application of criminal supervision procedure regard , we should perfect the legislation on subject of complaint cause of appeal , period of petition for retrial , mode of appeal , in order to set up litigious right of action in supervision procedure ; on the reform of the judicial mechanism in the retrial , we should enhance jurisdictional rank of retrial and increase transparence of retrial hearing , we should define the time limit for retrial and implement the system of court of first instance being the final in the retrial 在再審程序啟動機制上,完善再審申請主體、申請理由、申請期限、申請方式等制度規范,建立再審申請之訴;在再審審判機制改革中,應提高再審管轄審級、增加審理程序透明度、嚴格規范審理期限,并實行再審一審終審制。

It is especially worth noting that legal aid agencies at all levels have organized the handling of a great number of legal aids in criminal cases and played a positive role in ensuring the practicability of the court appointments for criminal defense and maintaining the legal litigious right of the criminal defendants 特別值得一提的是,各級法律援助機構組織辦理了大量的刑事法律援助案件,對保證法院指定刑事辯護的落實,保障刑事被告的法定訴訟權利,發揮了積極的作用。

Litigious rights endow with litigants the right to protect their rights by judicial procedural . in the processing of the innovation of the administration of judicial , we put more emphasis on the protection of the rights of the litigants instead of the limitation of the abuse of litigious rights 訴權是請求法律救濟的權利,在我國現行所推進的司法改革中,更多強調的是對訴訟權利的維護以及保障,但是矯枉過正的錯誤是我們改革所不應支付的代價。

As the lawfullization movement of administration procedures is carrying out in 20 century , the procedures and litigious procedures had common characteristics in the law value , whi ch become the lawful basis of avoidance system ' s transforming from litigious “ regulations into lawful procedures 20世紀后,隨著行政程序法典化運動的開展,行政程序和訴訟程序在法律價值上的某種共性,使訴訟程序中回避制度移植于行政程序有了法理基礎。

International exchanges have , by comparison , struggled to attract chinese issuers , with those in the us in particular hit by perceptions among business executives that their companies would be subject to onerous regulation as well as the country ' s litigious environment 相比之下,國際證交所很難吸引到中國公司前往上市,尤其是美國的證交所,原因是很多公司高管認為,自己的公司會受到繁重的監管,還要面臨美國的訴訟環境。

Due to the restriction of social actual situation at that time , the scope stipulated is narrow , which seriously confines administrative counterpart ' s litigious right , cannot effectively supervise administration and is not beneficial to safeguard of counterpart ' s lawful interests 由于受當時社會實際情況制約,范圍規定得比較狹小,嚴重限制了行政相對人的行政訴權,不能有效監督行政,不利于保障相對人合法權益。

Probation of prosecution reflects doctrine of prosecuting discretion and the principle of litigious efficiency , and deeply reflects the value notion of resuming judicial , and conforms to the world criminal ’ s reforming trend of no - crime , no - penalty and no - confinement 暫緩起訴體現了起訴便宜主義和訴訟經濟原則,并在深層次上反映了恢復性司法的價值理念,順應了非犯罪化、非刑罰化、非監禁化的世界刑事法的改革趨勢。

Making clear theoretically jurisdictional boundaries is of extreme importance in reducing power conflicts and in increasing efficiency of dispute settlement agencies . at the beginning , this essay introduces history of the line between arbitral and litigious agencies 本文對仲裁與訴訟管轄界限作了歷史考察,勾畫了裁訟管轄界限的演變階段,闡述了劃分裁訟管轄界限的價值考量,如效率的提高、對當事人意愿的尊重。

Secondly , such relationship shall fit in with criminal procedure structure . china has converted litigious procedure of ex officio doctrine to one combining it with adversary proceedings , which requires prosecutorial organs to submit to court more systematical proofs 這就要求檢察機關必須向法庭展示嚴密的證據體系,這在相當大程度上有賴于偵查活動的質量,有賴于檢察機關對偵查機關獲取證據活動的指導。

Where the attorney appointed by party b settles litigious or non - litigious matters on behalf of party a , the fees shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of no . 230 document ( 1998 ) by chongqing municipal pricing bureau and chongqing financial bureau 八、乙方律師為甲方擔任代理人進行訴訟或非訴訟事件活動,按重慶市物價局、財政局重價非發( 1998 ) 230號文件規定的收費辦法另行收費。

Plea bargaining impressively turned up in a case in heilongjiang province last year , which evokes the self - criticism of the litigious efficiency of our country and the discussion of whether we should transplant the system in our criminal procedure 去年辯訴交易程序赫然出現于黑龍江省一傷害案件中,由此引發了對我國訴訟效率的檢討和對這一泊來制度能否接納于我國刑事訴訟的討論。