
litigation n.訴訟,起訴。


The administrative litigation type studying 重構我國行政訴訟類型之設想

A jurisprudential analysis of litigation for public interests 應改譯為

On witness ' qualification in criminal litigation 論刑事證人及其法律保護

On the administrative invalid affirmation litigation 論行政確認無效訴訟

Aspects of public economic interest litigation 經濟公益訴訟若干問題探討

A review of the russias reform on criminal litigation system 俄羅斯刑事訴訟制度改革評述

Investigating the unlawful evidence - collecting in civil litigation 民事訴訟非法取證探析

Thoughts of litigation on the case of houwang group ' s bankruptcy 猴王破產案的訴訟法思考

On the dumbness right applied in the criminal litigation 論沉默權在我國刑事訴訟中的應用

The duty of a good judge is to prevent litigation 漢譯:好的法官是能夠息訟止爭的法官。

On securities civil liability and shareholders ' litigation 論證券民事責任與股東訴訟方式

On the collecting system of administrative litigation expenses 淺議行政訴訟費用征收制度

On the exclusive rule of illegal evidence in civil litigation 淺議民事非法證據排除規則

An analysis of the litigation probative principle in feudal china 以情折獄原則之原理論

Environmental public interest and public litigation 論環境公益與環境公訴

Public interest environmental litigation in china 環境公益訴訟的立法構想

A research on the administration litigation of public - interest 行政公益訴訟制度探析

Principal immigration officer prosecution and litigation 首席入境事務主任(檢控及訴訟)

New development in the evidence system of civil litigation 兼述舉證時限與證據交換制度